
New Member
Joined: 04/16/01
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Joined: 04/16/01
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04/20/2001 5:20 pm
Has anyone ever painted there guitar. Can i use car paint
like ppg paint or is there a certain kind? What preperation
do i need? any info would be helpful.
# 1
Joined: 08/22/00
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Joined: 08/22/00
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04/20/2001 11:56 pm
i'm not sure on this one, but i think that you should give a guitar master to do this job, because when they paint the guitar they take off all the parts except for the body, and paint it somehow..
i think you can't just paint it and giving it to a master can cost alot

"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."

ren hoek
# 2
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04/21/2001 12:43 am
Sand your axe down with 220 and spray it with enamel primer....Wet sand it with 400 and shoot the bastard with a good enamel car paint (Like PPG or if ya wanna go nutz, buy a quart of Sikkenz)....(use the catalyst hardner, either in the clearcoat or basecoat as specified)'ll love it !!!.....Bottom line: you CAN do it with a spray can, but ya gotta have a steady hand and a good eye to keep it flowing and yet not get runs in it....Then, Wham it with Clear enamel spray can...(About 4 coats)...and then ultra-fine (1200-1500 grit) wet sand it to get any dirt out and then rub it back out with a lambswool buufer and then final hand polish with McQuires #7.....Gonna take some elbow grease to do it.....Use your sisters or girlfriends or moms (yikes!) maxi-pads to do the final rub....The adhesive sticks to your palm nicely and they are soft as a prom-queens thighs :D.....V :)
*Turn the bastard up and see what happenz.... :D
# 3

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