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Joined: 01/09/05
Posts: 74
Registered User
Joined: 01/09/05
Posts: 74
05/09/2005 11:37 pm
Need some feedback as far as Bass...Mids...and Treble are concerned
for this tune.

I get wildly varying feedback from different people at different sites.
Everything from too much just all kinds
of stuff.

This to me sounds about right.
The chimes and cymbals at the beginning are clear and strong,
and don't overshadow the drums in the second/main rythym
section in relation.
The guitar(s) both in the intro and the main rythym body are
evenly matched and good and LOUD. I might bring the lead up
...just a bit in the first real rythym section.
Just a bit...not much. I find that a few notes get buried when
the lead runs are in the same low range as the rythym track is.

Just a hair.

I just listened to one of my fave CD's...Tony MacAlpine's
Maximum Security...just for a production and EQ yardstick.
I think one of the best sounding and produced albums ever made,
if not the best.

To me, my own track sounds much fuller...bigger.

I am going to post this same topic at a coupla' other sites
where people also seem to have a clue as to what they are
listening and doing.

Combine and cross-reference the 3 sites and then start work on the
final mixing of...well at least the first section on this.

Am working on a second section which I really have no idea where
it will go.

Thanks...and even if you don't like this type of playing/music...
you can still hear bass...mids...and treble and give feedback.

MP3 file...1.2 MB...Run time 1+ minutes
Sound Check for the first parts of Welcome Of Shadows
Sample of my music ETHEREAL

Try POWER DVD or a real piece of software.
WMP, Realplayer, and those little things kill...recordings...muffle them..take away the stereo field.