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Joined: 01/24/04
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Joined: 01/24/04
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05/04/2005 8:21 pm
ok, i just got a marshall jcm 2000 dsl head and i have used it own a 15 cabient and it is to bassy yet it is crisp and has alot of presence. SO i tried hooking my marshall to a solid state amp so that i would just use the speaker(s) from the solid state, and when i do, it isnt bassy, but now i kinda seems like it has alot of mid range and also its presence is little so it sounds muffled. I dont know what im gonna do because i got to play at a party not to long from now. Please help me on maybe something im doing wrong if anything.
Mike ;)
# 1
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05/04/2005 9:51 pm
So I'm guessing your solid state is a combo? Just trying to be clear is all :)
# 2
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05/05/2005 12:34 am
just exactly how did you hook the head up to the combo to just use the speaker? Does the combo's speaker have a speaker cable that you can hook up to the head? Did you make sure that the impedence's matched between the head and speaker? or, did you run the head's line out into the combo's fx return, or the guitar's input? Please tell me you didn't do this, because if you don't have any speaker's plugged into the speaker out's of the head you could fry the OT (output transformer)! and this is a very bad thing!

I suggest you get a 2x12 cabinet with two 8ohm speaker's and wire them parralell so the final impedence is 4ohms and make sure you set your head's output for 4ohms. Or, you could wire them in series so the final impedance would be 16ohms, again setting the heads output to 16ohms.

Whatever you do, make sure that the impedance of your head matches the impedance of the speaker cabinet you're plugging into.
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Tonja Renee's personal instructor[/FONT]

# 3

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