Alas for I am Jay! Reviver of very, very old threads!
dance monkey! dance!

So I went to sam ash today and I heard this guy pickup and start playing really cool jazz stuff, it maede want to be able to incorporate jazz into my shred/ rock solos, where whould I start as far as lead/ solo jazz playing goes?
# 1

Dont try to play, just listen. Listen to: PAt Metheny, Al di Meola, John SCofield, Chick Corea John McLaughlin, Wayne Shorter, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gellespie... this list goes on and on. Listen to jazz guys, (not just guitar guys, listen to all instruments, there were saxphones and trumpets in jazz before there were guitars, how do you think guitarists got all their ideas?) personally PAt Metheny and Al Di Meola are my favorite. Listen and try to copy what you hear. THen you can worry about adding those licks in your solos. You'll become what you listen to.
Practice 8 hours a day and God Bless you.
# 2

Im sure you will have fun learning the theory of Jazz :mad: Grrrrrr :eek:
# 3

The jazz guitar players I know tell me tenor saxaphonist John Coletrane is their main influence.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power;we will know peace" J. Hendrix
# 4
You should check out Allen Holdsworth and Shawn Lane too, especially if you're talking about shredding on jazz.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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My YouTube Profile
# 5

Jeff beck, i dono if he counts as jazz but he is like at least jazz-rock to me. Fusion???
Jeff can play man thats all i gotta say
Jeff can play man thats all i gotta say
When it comes down to it, our guitar's will always be there for us. :rolleyes:
# 6