Medium or Heavy Pick For Fast Solos?

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04/11/2005 7:37 am

Just wondering, what do you all recommend for playing fast solos with alternate picking-- a medium or heavy pick? I've used heavy picks for a while now (dunlop tortex 1.0 mm) and as I was trying a fast solo using alternate picking today, I noticed that it seems easier (I can go faster with more accuracy) if I use a medium pick instead. I don't know if this is just my imagination or not, so I was wondering what the experts recommend...

# 1
Gargoyle Instructor
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04/11/2005 12:46 pm
it comes down to personal preference - i suggest you try alot of different shapes and everything from ultra light to ultra heavy. it took me several years and i kept switching picks alot untill i found myself comfortable with the Dunlop Big Stubby pics (3mm).

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# 2
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04/11/2005 7:26 pm
rishman if you like the medium picks, use 'em. I also like mediums but I like to switch it up a lot as well. I also find you can get really different tones depending on your pick.
# 3
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04/11/2005 9:16 pm
Just use whatever feels most comfortable for you. PErsonally I use Dunlop Jazz III's but that's what I like. Some people hate small picks, but that's what they like. Just find different picks and try them out, just use what feels best for you.
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# 4
Obsessed Freak
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04/12/2005 1:21 am
I use any dunlop mediums, i cant stand heavys, i dont know why I just cant, I feel I go faster with mediums
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# 5
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04/12/2005 8:49 pm
I used to play Dunlop .38 mm (ultra light) and thought it was the best pick in the world.

Now I use the opposite. Dunlop Big Stubby 3mm and think its the best pick in the world.

But predict myslef to change my preference in the new future. But for sweeping and more accurate picking, heavy picks are better.

For alternate stumming, light picks are better.
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# 6
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04/13/2005 3:10 am
Light picks are great if you wanna learn how to alternate pick faster on a string to build speed, but they are really bad picks to play leads with. Of course, this is all on preference to the player, but leads are much better played with a heavier pick. This doesn't mean you have to go 3 mm like alucard, he just prefers them, but the heavier the size of the pick, the better it is to sweep and the better clarity that you get from alternate picking a pattern. Overall, heavier picks is the way to go, since it's sturdy and won't flap on you. Also, it's much better to use for artificial harmonics.
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# 7
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04/15/2005 8:28 pm
hi, im not an expert by any means. but i did read that a heavy pick is better for accuracy and if you practice solo's with them and then move on to a lighter pick it makes your playing become faster!!!! Just what i read....personaly i like picks to be thick anywhere from 1.20mm onwards!!!!
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# 8
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04/15/2005 9:56 pm
first of all- unless I read something wrong- you said that 1.0 picks were heavy. Heavy for me is at least 1.5 and I use 2.0 big stubbys. But heavier is better for fast pickingunless it gets to the point where the pick is definetly too thick or heavy
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