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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
05/05/2001 2:50 pm
The Dimebag electrics are just one item on a long list of products. I have an old EAMTS20 electric/acoustic that sounds amazing! The intonation is more accurate than any other acoustic guitar I've ever played. How many acoustic guitars come from the factory with Grover high-ratio tuning pegs?

If you live in Canada, (hey, even if you don't!), check out Simon & Patrick, from St. Laurent, Quebec.

Their guitars are an inpressive combination of traditional and inovative construction techniques. Very rich sound that actually gets better over the years.

I guess the best advice is to take the time to look around. 'Brand X' isn't necessarily the best guitar for you.

Acoustic guitars, good ones anyway, seem to 'come alive' in your hands. Stroke a few of these ladies, and see which ones sing for you.
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