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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
03/27/2005 5:57 pm
[font=trebuchet ms]I looked back over my post, and I'm sorry to be so generic about my suggestions. I'm not familiar with your particulat amp, so I can't be more specific about where to set the knobs. I play mid-70's Ampegs, which have very flexible and effective tone controls. The bass and treble controls are the usual boost-cut variety, but the midrange has a switch to move the control centre frequency to 300 Hz, 1000 Hz, or 3000 Hz. This lets me apply the boost or cut where it's needed. There's also an 'Ultra Hi' switch that can boost or cut the high frequencies.

When I have to play through someone else's amp, I tend to leave the mid control (if there is one) in the mid position, and tailor the bass and treble around this. Frankly, I don't think many amps do nearly enough for tone-shaping controls, which tends to turn them into one-trick-ponies that have a few 'sweet spots' amid a lot of mediocrity. You'll have to spend some time experimenting to find out what works for your particular combination of gear. The quest for tone is very much an individual, subjective endeavour.[/font]
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