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Joined: 02/25/05
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Joined: 02/25/05
Posts: 43
03/28/2005 7:57 am
Ok, as a huge Tremonti (Creed, now Alter Bridge) fan, I've done some research on his rig. Just recently they actually posted a video on where he gives you a little walkthrough. His basic tone comes from his Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier. He also uses an Ubershall (I'm pretty sure that's how you spell it) for the low-end tones. And (I forget who said this) you're right when you say he uses PRS. He actually has a custom model (Called the PRS Tremonti, go figure :p ). His clean tones come from two Fender Twin '65 Reissues. Nice amps, all around. He also has some effects processors, but like I said, that's all where he gets his basic tone. I also heard him say that he likes to just plug right into the amp without adding many effects. When he does use effects, it's only Reverb and Delay. All I really know about Switchfoot is they use Gibson guitars and I've seen them play through Marshall's, but I don't know anything specifically, sorry. Anyway, I hope I helped, and I'm sorry for the long freakin post. :cool: