People who can't transcribe

You've played more than half a year and you can't transcribe a thing? Do yourself a favor, make guitarists a less common breed and quit. I see people on forums asking for Steve Vai tabs, what the hell is that? You're good enough to play his stuff but you can't hear well enough to figure it out yourself? Keep in mind 99% of the tabs on the net are incorrect. People that make these tabs are about as deaf as you are and submit their trash for you to learn as a gimped version of whatever song you'd like to know so you can play it on the school bus with your friends. So give up. I expect to see a lot of you gone in the near future since you obviously don't have the ear to comprehend music beyond Nirvana. Good night.
# 1

What the hell was that about? Who are you to judge someone else's progress? As long as the person is enjoying it, they should continue to play. If anyone should stop playing, it's arrogant bastards lke you who would dare rob someone of the joy playing guitar can give you. Someone please ban this bastard before he starts up another bull**** thread.
# 2

Well, there are alot of people who feel the need to try a little of this and try a little of that, and then in the end they end up making their own final decisions using their ears as the ultimate guide. There are some guitarists who have mastered theory, and still they have a very bad ear for music, there are those practice day after day, and they still just can't seem to differentiate between G and G#, but that just means that they are taking on too much at once, where they aren't truly listening. Its safe to say that for most beginners, they wan't the easy way out, the easy way in learning everything there is to know to impress their friends till theres no tomorrow, but the real test of whether or not you're a true music comes down to whether or not you're playing for others or playing for yourself. For Kurt Cobain, a few chords here and there best defined his personality, and he wen't agaist the grain, and aloyt of peole can relate to that and respect that. As the years progess you'll realize that the complexity of a song isn't what makes it good, being good makes you good, being comfortable with yourself and what you're capable of doing is what its all about. And having the endless will to learn new and exciting sounds.[/i]
[b]Be careful when you talk out of your hat.[/i]:D
[Edited by Joseph on 04-09-2001 at 08:05 PM]
[b]Be careful when you talk out of your hat.[/i]:D
[Edited by Joseph on 04-09-2001 at 08:05 PM]
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 3

Hey Rufus, why don't you start throwin' some of your own stats out before you go criticising other people's ability based on what you read.
Like you? POOF!!! BE GONE!
Originally posted by Rufus
I expect to see a lot of you gone in the near future
Like you? POOF!!! BE GONE!
Ain't nothin' but a Gear thang, baby!
# 4

Guess what? This guy posted the same thing on the boards (in the musician's board) under the name FaceLift. Needless to say, his post was closed quickly.
I'd say he did the same thing on many other guitarist based boards.
I'd say he did the same thing on many other guitarist based boards.
# 5

What a stupid cracker..........i can honestly say that I've been playing for 5 years, and I can NOT read music.......I'm self taught and can GUARANTEE that I can play better than what you think about that Mofo........need to watch who you dis before you get smacked the truck up!!!!
# 6

First and foremost....lmao@ blueslegend. i think you've got a lotta nerve buddy. A person being a musician isn't defined on how well they can figure a song out. If that is what defined all musicians, that we can all figure out everything, not one thin piece of sheet music would be sold all classical pianist would just sit around with their thumbs up thier butt, cause they can't figure out what bach or mozart played 100's of years ago. Some people are blessed with great ears for hearing and transcribing stuff some people aren't and that should be the end of it. Darn, u seem to know the routine about the schoolbus all to well. ;)
"Take my hand boss"
# 7

Hey ppl, I only stated playiong about 3 years ago, and I am only starting to recognize the different tones of a guitar. When I started I was soooo tone deaf I couldn't even tune the guitar without an elctronic tuner. Sometimes it's best to get the tab first period so you can train your ears.
To any discouraged newbies out there... stick with it. The skills will come with time. That's what I am *still* doing.
To any discouraged newbies out there... stick with it. The skills will come with time. That's what I am *still* doing.
# 8

I'm playing for almost 3 years and can't transcribe a fast solo...
so what!? i can't play note to note a solo by hearing or it will take me hours to do it, but because i'm listening to it i still get ideas from it to my improvisation
people who learn by hearing the song and playing it can get better much faster than guys like me, but hey man did you've heard of ac/dc's angus young?
they guy is recognized as one of the best hard-rock lead guitarists ever and he admited like dozens of times he could never learn songs by hearing them..
if you better than angus... i'm going to sleep
so what!? i can't play note to note a solo by hearing or it will take me hours to do it, but because i'm listening to it i still get ideas from it to my improvisation
people who learn by hearing the song and playing it can get better much faster than guys like me, but hey man did you've heard of ac/dc's angus young?
they guy is recognized as one of the best hard-rock lead guitarists ever and he admited like dozens of times he could never learn songs by hearing them..
if you better than angus... i'm going to sleep
"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
# 9

Brotha you got that right, I wish people would stop posting sh#ty tabs on the net. If you are not sure about the song dont post the damn thing. I dont even waste my time looking at them seriously anymore maybe just to get the basic idea. When you do play some of these "tabs" it isnt even close! I hope people arent just posting these to as a status thing.
# 10
Well, I look at it this way - there's no sense reinventing the wheel, right? . . . so if someone's already tabbed it out, I'm not gunna spend the time to figure it out by ear. Figuring out stuff by ear is a real pain in the ass . . . believe me, I've done it, so even if the tab is crappy, I can at least get some idea of what's going on in the song and figure out the rough edges myself.
# 11

Everyone has their unique styles, but sometimes we get lost along the way where we begin to think that the whole experience is one big competition. But as the years progress we tend to realize that the only way we will get anywhere with this instrument is if we stop listening to others (on what we should sound like) and start listening to ourselves. Playing the guitar, its filled with so mny endless possibilities, there are certain techniques that take longer to learn for some people, but that shouldn't eliminate the depth and intensity that fills the rooms with every practice session.Everyday we are getting closer to that sound we hear in our heads, I don't think we are ever satisfied, but once we feel comfortable with ou playing, well then we've got it made...
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 12

The way I look at it is, why spend all that time trying to learn a song, when you can find the tabs. Sure learning it by ear helps build ear listening skills, but there are other excersises for your ear than trying to learn a song by ear. I would much rather read the tabs for a song, than figure it out by ear. And for Rufus, What a moron. He thinks he can come in here and tell us how good we are that if we can't transcribe a song, we should quit. Who does he think he is. The god of guitar.
"I'll stand up next to a mountain and chop it down with the edge of my hand."
-Jimi Hendrix
-Jimi Hendrix
# 13

Damn what an ass! Guess you were born playing huh Gufus? If anyone shouldn't be here much long it should be you.
Practice, practice, practice...
# 14

# 15

Has this post been preserved for novelty value. [br]who knew trolls existed as far back as 2001
# 16