Playing Lead over Basic Chords

lol im having problems with this...playin lead over basic moms into the whole country folk...she asks me to try n do sum lead work....but it does not sound country at ends up soundin do u play lead over a basic chord pattern ie....(G,C,D,Em)
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# 2

i have allmost the same problem..i know scales n i can never furgit da pentatonic scale.i beeen a playing metal and rock fur about 15 old lady wants me to play sum country leads ind all but every time i git to playin it ends up soundin like zakk wyldes leads with no distortion or blues!!!!den i start ta do sum van tappin to juice it up and with sweeps and blam kick it in to overdrive an-yeeehawww den its on,and dee old lady hates it!!! see all this litature on metal and joe satriani but nun fer people like brad paisley or ricky is a whole different technique and i would like to learn it now dat im older and preesh-e-ate it..but i do not know of any resources to reall learn fancy country lead pickin...any one have any..thanks
:cool: keep rokin
# 3
Try the good old major to minor pent change. To make the transition just use a chromatic 5 half step scale down.
I wrote a lesson about using this kind of deal here or check out any of Terry Couch's lessons he is a master.
I wrote a lesson about using this kind of deal here or check out any of Terry Couch's lessons he is a master.
My instructors page and for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 4

you can only play what you hear! best advice i ever got!! if you dont listen to or even like country then how could you play it?? but if you do, try using the mixolydian scale in 6ths or something. i dont like country but i heard that thats a big part of the sound
# 5

The best way I've played country lead is to find the key as if you are playing the "blues" minor pentatonic, then drop the whole scale three frets. There is an acual name for this scale, but I haven't a clue what it's called.
Twang it up, brother.
Twang it up, brother.
We don't need a thinker, we need a doer. Someone who will act without considering the consequences!
_Homer J.
_Homer J.
# 6