I got mine a few days ago (the 8th) and its pretty sweet. When I first saw the package, I wondered how big is this thing? I was under the impression from pictures that it was the size of a regular effects pedal, but this bad boy is the same size if not bigger than a POD.The distorion it puts out sounds pretty good and if it could be used as a great distortion pedal if it had the ability. The volume control comes in handy and you can really turn this thing up loud. I learned B.L.S.'s Fire It Up intro as well as Godsmack's Mistakes Intro (they use a talk box live) and they were both fairly easy to master. If I can get clips from my pocket recorder on my computer, I'll see if I can do a short sound clip.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"