Unfortunately I am one of those people who is not sick and has to really push it before they pass out. This is not a good survival strategy.
We used to slam Tequila. Last time we did this I ended up on all fours chasing a young women round the pool table, barking at her and trying (successfully) to bight her ass. Fortunately she had just asked me to scare her to cure her hickups. Im not the sort of person you want to ask to scare you after far too many slammers.
Tequila is a strange drink.
Ooozo and gin are also quite odd. All three have a habit for freezing my brain and leaving my body to do exactly what it wants. Not good !
Three day hangovers followed by months of icy stares, quandaries about which bars you have recently been kicked out of and crys of "look Im sorry, I didn't mean it honest I was just mortal drunk". Not even a little bit fun.
LATS I know EXACTLY what you mean about tequila hangovers.
Then I got married and stopped all that malarky. I now drink 10-15 year old Single Malts and VSOP cognac in small quantities and have the occasional beer (no more than 3 or 4 pints). Wine is dangerous as I tend to get a little carried away with my self and that leads to grief from C who hardly drinks at all.
The last time I went drinking with Dan I was hung-over for an entire week (I think I was winging about in the admin forum feeling very sorry for my self). Man that was a bad time.
Moral of the story, the road of excess can lead to the palace of wisdom but not without a lot of falling over and taking three steps in a random directing for every one forward.
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