Help w/ Marshall

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02/24/2005 4:16 am
Alright...Im stumped (and so are amp techs i have talked to).
I have a Marshall DSL 100, about 2 years old. I run it through a 1960A. I have noticed in the last couple months a weird sound. THe sound occurs only when I switch from dirty to clean (usually heavily distorted to the clean channel). The sound resembles kind of a "swooshing" vaccum like sound, that kinda swells and then goes away in a second or two. I just had the amp re-tubed and re-biased, and its still there. Anyone ever heard of this?
# 1
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03/25/2005 4:02 pm
No one answered this so i thought i would. Chack/have some one check the components of the amp and effects board. Something might have went bad or is loose.
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# 2
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03/26/2005 1:46 pm
I have a TSL and cant say I have a similar problem. Is it still under warranty ? If so you might want to get it serviced.
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# 3
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04/03/2005 9:40 am
Its a common thing. I remember it used to happen with my previous halfstack but it hasnt happened with my TLS60 yet. I cant really remember what I thought of it at the time.. but I think I thoughtit was something to do with the reverb... Im not sure though because it was long ago. It never really bothered me though,
# 4
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04/05/2005 1:07 pm
Yea from what i remember.. the noise you hear is the metally clcik of the footswitch.. with reverb.... its as though your amp hears that sound when you press the footswitch stud and adds reverb to it!
# 5

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