Well......, suggesting an Amp to someone can be tricky. Simply because every guitarist usually has very strong opinions about different brands, tube vs. solid-state, etc..
But my advise to you would be to ignore the whole "name brand" issue and do some research on a variety of different amp models. Sometimes you can save a bundle and still be pleased with the choice you made.
For example: The other guitarist in my band decided to get himself an amp recently that would be better sounding than the half-stack he was currently playing through. Money was a big issue at the time, so he wanted an amp that was affordable but still sounded good.
All seemed hopeless...........until a friend of mine brought a Behringer GMX212 V-Tone down to my house one evening, simply to check out for the hell of it.
Well..........., the other guitarist in my band just happend to be there at the time, and did'nt give the Behringer much thought at first.
After all, we thought of it as a practice amp that was'nt a "Big name" company, as far as amplifiers go anyway.
Well, to make a long story some-what shorter, the friend left the amp at my place and we decided to give the amp a real listen to. To our surprise, the amp sounded a hell of a lot better than we expected!
"Lets hook it up to the 4x12 cabinet and see what it does!" he said.
So we did..................and he loved it! To him it sounded better than the "Higher name" amp he was using. Now he uses it constantly.
The amp only costs $279.00, has two 12 inch speakers, on-board processing, and a ****-load of hook-up connections in the back.
The moral of the story? Check out everything. Browse some sites such as Musiciansfriend.com (that's where the Behringer was from), because there are amps out there for those on a tight budget. And when you win the lottery and have a room full of high-priced amps, remember to send me one each week to play-test!!! Best of luck Bro. :cool:
If eyes are the mirror to the soul, you will see yourself as I see you