Yep I pegged 'em !
I thought they were OK for what they were. However there is no interaction and more importantly no one to tell you:
"Dude you are doing this totally wrong" or
"yeha man that is cool", or
"it is easier like this" or
"yep that is what the text books say but they are full of it" or
"you will never use this bit of knowledge ever again"
or even the old classics, "you are holding your pick (I said pick !!) wrong" when the bottom of the barrel has been reached !
I think on of GTs biggest strengths (and weaknesses) is this forum. I say strengths because you can find all sorts of people who have been playing for a million years and really know there stuff. And weaknesses as you have to decide who they are !!
Oh yes they also missed out the best bits !! I was watching "How to Play Iron Man" and on the whole it was good...... but it missed out the solo !!
I can understand why they did this, but think it would have been a million times better (and more useful, marketable etc etc) if they had rolled up there sleeves and done the job properly !
I also went to the web site to look for the solo just out of curiosity. Unfortunately the impression the web site left with me was that it was hanging in tatters which was also a shame.
I certainly think video is a useful medium however for a beginner or someone looking to woodshed a technique, there is no substitute for a human who can hit you over the head when you do it wrong !!
instructors page and for all things recording.
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