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Joined: 01/08/04
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Registered User
Joined: 01/08/04
Posts: 202
04/05/2005 2:13 am
the true classical style involved alot of strict teachings,[how to sit/hold the guitar]
mainly never use your pinky you use the pima style p[thumb/pulgar] i[index] m[middle] a[ring/angular]

thats why often in classical you see these Pima signs some people use pimac wich includes the pinky or pimas [the same just diffrent letter] i like the pima style mainly cause it's true to original classical technique [and its tough to beat classical teachings].

on the fretting hand however its the index the middle,ring and pinky for fretting.

[i dissagree btw] strict technique is what helps bring out the music,maybey thats why there arent as many mauro giulianis or agustin barrios' [segovias,tarregas,sors,agaudos.etc]
|/- :eek: Zeeky Boogy Doog :eek: -\|
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