Practice 8 hours a day and God Bless you.
Carpal Tunnel
I found out that the piano player in my jazz band has carpal tunnel. SHr is an amazing player and her career can be ended because of this. I've been a little worried cause lately my wrists have been hurting. Is there any relief or anything i can do? I try to take frequent breaks and have been watching my technique and posture. This helps a lot but sometimes, the pain just comes anyway. Any help? THank you very much.
# 1
Simple. Warmup. Proper stretches and massages can help prevent tendon damage. Key thing is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS when you feel any form of actual pain stop. A vigorous stretch is one thing but actual pain is bad. You can damage your tendons big time if you don't prepare ahead of time and thus actually ruin your ability to keep playing and this applies to your keyboardist too. Stretch your shoulder areas, wrists, fingers and thumbs. It's too detailed for me to describe in this little box so just search either this site or the internet for stretching warmups. Also some massaging around the shoulders, elbows, palms and fingers help get the blood flowing making your fingers and hands more relaxed. Tension is also bad. I don't know if you have a tension problem or not but if you do it can also cause damage. Just relax as much as you can and push the envelope but only to an extent. I'd suggest that for now you take practicing easy and don't strain yourself and build up a duration before taking it to an extreme.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 2
You dont have to be tense or strained to get it though. you can get it just by bein in the same position for too long, like when practicing a certain technique for weeks/months. Look for advice on the net for things you can do to prevent it. i too have gotton a lot of pains in my wrist/arm, not so much anymore though
# 3
I wear a wrist band on my fret hand. Have had problems for almost ten years now with pain in my wrist. I stretch well, keep my hands warm and even use TigerBalm on occaision when I absolutely have to. I also stretch not only before, but after playing and any breaks I get to take. My problem though is simply having played for 25 years. I great friend of mine had played piano for roughly 50 years and developed Carpal Tunnel. He had surgery to fix it. Now he is back playing again. His case was weird though, his hands started turning sorta black like they were bruised. Don't mess around with carpal tunnel. It aint pretty.
# 4
The angle of your hand to the rest of your arm can cause carpel tunnel, don't bend your wrist alot when you play. For me I had to take a wrist guard, like the ones for roller blading, and wear it for a while to keep myself from doing that wihle playing. I had to statrsitting in the classical guitar position too.
Alas for I am Jay! Reviver of very, very old threads!
# 5
thanks for the tips guys. I know I have perfect technique, even my guitar teacher says so. I just think i've been pushing myself too hard. Sometimes don't even care, if my wrist hurts i keep playing anyway. My teacher told me just to stop if i get pains. I think it's different for everyone, some people play all their lives and never have problems, some play 2 years and their career ends already. But I'll still be watchful and take in mind what you guys have said.
Practice 8 hours a day and God Bless you.
# 6
Originally Posted by: Guitarro777thanks for the tips guys. I know I have perfect technique, even my guitar teacher says so. I just think i've been pushing myself too hard. Sometimes don't even care, if my wrist hurts i keep playing anyway. My teacher told me just to stop if i get pains. I think it's different for everyone, some people play all their lives and never have problems, some play 2 years and their career ends already. But I'll still be watchful and take in mind what you guys have said.
I wish i had perfect technique! practicing bad habits for years has left me with a few problems :(
# 7
Mine was caused mostly by grinding in a weld shop but Im sure playing guitar contributed too. I was in constant pain by the time I had the opperation. I couldnt play! I couldnt work and it took 6 months to get back close to normal again. Now, 10 years post opp. I still play guitar but for not as long at a time. I play with light strings and close action and I stay well away from weld shop grinders. :) Don't work too hard at this stuff. Besides normal finger tip callouses, if it hurts, stop!
# 8