:cool: this is all metal :cool:
i need help on a steve vai or a joe satriani tone

plz help i need there delay settings and a good tone so that in stays sustained wile i do legato runs and taping help plz
# 1

Originally Posted by: nick guitarplz help i need there delay settings and a good tone so that in stays sustained wile i do legato runs and taping help plz
I don't know about Satch, but Vai plays Ibanez Jem guitars with DiMarzio Evolution pickups through a Carvin Legacy Amp.
He uses a Boss MetalZone on some songs as well.
I've dialed in a pretty good Vai tone using my Digitech GNX4.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 2

i have some effects patches for satch made by the man himself ill post you a link to them when i get time to find it again. the setting rely on you having a korg AX1500G effects processor but im sure you could modify the setting to suit your equipment.
Akira, im not having a go at you but i think you should refrain from saying that, every time someone that asks how to get a particular players sound on this forum are told that they should find their own tone, most poeple already know finding your own sound/tone is important, but from experience i can say sometimes when learning to play other artists songs for some people it helps to ballpark their tone to make what your playing more recognisable hence making your playing more rewarding. Once you get the song down you can always take it in your own direction afterwards. Also sometimes i hear a guitarist and think oh yeah that tone would suit "insert song name here" really well, and try my hardest to get that tone. Like i said mate im not having ago and i dont like waffling but.... you know if people ask a question they dont want to be told they dont want to know the answer. :D
Ill post the links when i get time
later lads :cool:
Akira, im not having a go at you but i think you should refrain from saying that, every time someone that asks how to get a particular players sound on this forum are told that they should find their own tone, most poeple already know finding your own sound/tone is important, but from experience i can say sometimes when learning to play other artists songs for some people it helps to ballpark their tone to make what your playing more recognisable hence making your playing more rewarding. Once you get the song down you can always take it in your own direction afterwards. Also sometimes i hear a guitarist and think oh yeah that tone would suit "insert song name here" really well, and try my hardest to get that tone. Like i said mate im not having ago and i dont like waffling but.... you know if people ask a question they dont want to be told they dont want to know the answer. :D
Ill post the links when i get time
later lads :cool:
# 3
OK so this post is not designed to upset anyone however here is my 2c.
I think it helps to understand why things sound the way they do and what will happen if I turn this knob or push that button.
Once you have that down it helps you when you are listening to someone's playing. "Ah yes... slide with a little phase".
One way to practice getting a particular sound is to mimic what you hear.
I also think that this whole "finding you own tone" thing is anything other than important. I think it is just more music industry BS designed to sell guitarists more "stuff" (like that is hard !!).
Find kit you like and enjoy playing.... and play it. After that it is up to your brain and fingers !!
Sure a twangy strat through a solid state pre sounds whey different from a PRS through a Boogie wound up to 10, but so what. Is using a different amp / guitar to get a particular sound any different from turning a pedal on or off or sending your signal through a plug in on a computer ?
I think it helps to understand why things sound the way they do and what will happen if I turn this knob or push that button.
Once you have that down it helps you when you are listening to someone's playing. "Ah yes... slide with a little phase".
One way to practice getting a particular sound is to mimic what you hear.
I also think that this whole "finding you own tone" thing is anything other than important. I think it is just more music industry BS designed to sell guitarists more "stuff" (like that is hard !!).
Find kit you like and enjoy playing.... and play it. After that it is up to your brain and fingers !!
Sure a twangy strat through a solid state pre sounds whey different from a PRS through a Boogie wound up to 10, but so what. Is using a different amp / guitar to get a particular sound any different from turning a pedal on or off or sending your signal through a plug in on a computer ?
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 4
Originally Posted by: Dr_simonI also think that this whole "finding you own tone" thing is anything other than important. I think it is just more music industry BS designed to sell guitarists more "stuff" (like that is hard !!).
Haha, yeah, we're gadget freaks.
Sure a twangy strat through a solid state pre sounds way different from a PRS through a Boogie wound up to 10
Perhaps even to 11?
# 5
I think you can often get close with a GNX or a GT6 however the bigger difference is in the way you play.
I once read a piece by a guy who was talking about an interview he did withe Steve Vai. He brought his guitar with him. Steve played it. It sounded like Steve was playing it. He played it, it sounded like he was playing it.
I think people often confuse style with tone. Kit is just kit, the way you play is the way you play !! Sure different things sound different and we imagine that a nice rig will make us sound better. It will to a certain extent however at the end of the day you have to be able to play and that is where the magic lies !
I once read a piece by a guy who was talking about an interview he did withe Steve Vai. He brought his guitar with him. Steve played it. It sounded like Steve was playing it. He played it, it sounded like he was playing it.
I think people often confuse style with tone. Kit is just kit, the way you play is the way you play !! Sure different things sound different and we imagine that a nice rig will make us sound better. It will to a certain extent however at the end of the day you have to be able to play and that is where the magic lies !
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 6

You need a bridge humbucker, a wah and a distortion to be able to come close, but if you study their playing, the same gear can get you to 90% of the original, a bit less in Vai's case. For Satch, 200-300ms delay might help.
Impendance is fruitfull
while the buttons are circled.:eek:
while the buttons are circled.:eek:
# 7

Here's the link to the Joe Satriani patches i was on about
if you dont have a korg AX1500G you'll need to alter the settings accordingly for your setup and you'll have to pick the corresponding amp/cabinet models on you effects setup as they'll have different names most likely.
The patches worked really well for me but i have the Korg AX1500G so.... Give them a go though, there's some nice tones among them
Hope that helps you out :D
if you dont have a korg AX1500G you'll need to alter the settings accordingly for your setup and you'll have to pick the corresponding amp/cabinet models on you effects setup as they'll have different names most likely.
The patches worked really well for me but i have the Korg AX1500G so.... Give them a go though, there's some nice tones among them
Hope that helps you out :D
# 8

thanks guys u realy helped especialy the guy with the patches
:cool: this is all metal :cool:
# 9

I´ve read that Satriani often sets his delay on approx 350ms and on single repeat. Effect level set according to your own taste, but dont overdo it. Also if your amp has an effects loop, try puttin your delay in it for smoother sounds.....
# 10