We've been dancin' with Mr. Brownstone...
Everything Band

I know all of this has been asked before but i need to know more about what u guys think. I wanna know anything u have to tell about ur past experiences in bands, starting them, practiseing tips, getting along tips, stories, promoting, anything u could possibly think of, anything at all will help. Ive been playing guitar for comeing up on a year and i dont think i know quite enough yet to start a band but i think im almost ready. All the offers ive had i hadnt taken because i didnt think i was ready, and now when the time i am is here, no one i know is starting one so im going to make that leap. Once again id appreciate any info on bands!
# 1

hey man
i've been through about 4 bands already, and most of them the same old thing happened. People got pissed about the songs, we got frusterated with eachother, nobody wanted to do it, it just sucked. But the band I am in right now, is one in a million. No arguements, everybody agree's on everything, we all play good together.
i think an essential start to a band is getting together with the members first thing and talk about what you expect out of the band experience. wheither you hope to make it big, or you just want to locally entertain, and also put some money in your pocket, if you wanna just write some origionals and put a demo cd together, the list is limitless. But make sure that everyone understands what each member expects in the band
then you should agree on a genre of music you want to focus on, and if you want to do origionals, covers, or both. (alot of the time sacrifices have to be made for the band to get along). for example, if you like this song by your favorite band, and you want to cover it, you bring it in and show the band, nobody else likes it... Just drop it, dont make it a big deal by saying "well I'm a member of this band and I want to cover the song!". Whats more important, having a tight, band that gets along, or a crappy one, just because you wanted to cover one song. ITS NOT A BiG DEAL!!
Make sure your always upfront about problems you are having, or things that are getting on your nerves. Make sure the band knows before it gets a little outa hand.
mainly man, have fun. Dont form a band because you want to make it big, because in the end that wont matter. If you dont have a deep relationship with your members you are bound to break up, and it would likely to be sooner than you would like.
HAVE FUN!! and write some kill music :)
i've been through about 4 bands already, and most of them the same old thing happened. People got pissed about the songs, we got frusterated with eachother, nobody wanted to do it, it just sucked. But the band I am in right now, is one in a million. No arguements, everybody agree's on everything, we all play good together.
i think an essential start to a band is getting together with the members first thing and talk about what you expect out of the band experience. wheither you hope to make it big, or you just want to locally entertain, and also put some money in your pocket, if you wanna just write some origionals and put a demo cd together, the list is limitless. But make sure that everyone understands what each member expects in the band
then you should agree on a genre of music you want to focus on, and if you want to do origionals, covers, or both. (alot of the time sacrifices have to be made for the band to get along). for example, if you like this song by your favorite band, and you want to cover it, you bring it in and show the band, nobody else likes it... Just drop it, dont make it a big deal by saying "well I'm a member of this band and I want to cover the song!". Whats more important, having a tight, band that gets along, or a crappy one, just because you wanted to cover one song. ITS NOT A BiG DEAL!!
Make sure your always upfront about problems you are having, or things that are getting on your nerves. Make sure the band knows before it gets a little outa hand.
mainly man, have fun. Dont form a band because you want to make it big, because in the end that wont matter. If you dont have a deep relationship with your members you are bound to break up, and it would likely to be sooner than you would like.
HAVE FUN!! and write some kill music :)
# 2

Looks like nice sound advice, but hey it's not always a good thing to agree on everything.
The key thing for working in a band is to know your band memebers. Listen to each other and work out songs together. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion but don't be an ass about it.
The key thing for working in a band is to know your band memebers. Listen to each other and work out songs together. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion but don't be an ass about it.
I can't help it. When I get an idea that excites me it's as if I can't breath unless I make it real.
-Steve Vai
-Steve Vai
# 3
Don't be shy but do be considerate
Keep an open mind but don't be a door mat
and most of all have fun !
Keep an open mind but don't be a door mat
and most of all have fun !
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 4

Everything said here so far is very true. Two points I would stress to you would be: 1. Make SURE everyone has the same goals in mind. 2. Find the "Right" people. Sometimes it's hard to be patient enough to find the right band-mates, but if you settle for someone who you think "just is'nt right for this band", trust me bro.........on down the road, there WILL be major problems! Friction between band members has been the down-fall of many a great band. So do your best to find the "Right" ones, and you'll save yourself a lot of grief. When everyone pulls together for the music, it's an awesome and rewarding feeling!!! Good luck with your music.
If eyes are the mirror to the soul, you will see yourself as I see you
# 5

Playin in a band is one of the most weird things a human can do. Personal dynamics tend to be exagerated and distorted. Egos inflate and power struggles develop. Also friendships can be made that will last forever. And you can never predict what will happen when different personalities try to establish a common goal like playing music together. Maybe thats what makes it so damn much fun. It can also break your heart. Thats life. Jump in there and play to the best of your ability and make an effort to have fun and dont take yourself or the music to seriously.
Guitars save lives!!
Guitars save lives!!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power;we will know peace" J. Hendrix
# 6