Just a suggestion

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01/29/2005 6:51 am
Hey, if you read my profile, you would notice that i like to collect pics.

Ive collected every type of pic you can imagine... some most of you probably havent even heard of.

the best out of all of those that ive ever used and my brother has ever used (hes ammmmaaaaazzzziiinnngg at bass!!!) and he needs good pics, when he uses pics.
the best is Dunlop Tortex... I know most of you wont try these pics, but they are great.
my guitar teach found these a long time ago and tried them and then weant back and said how many can i get with 500 dollars, kinda crazy, but theyve lasted him his whole bass career... he's better at bass but plays bass and guitar.
He only has about a big handfull now because he shoots them into crowds in concerts, but looooves them!!!
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The American Dream - Punk Pixies
# 1
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01/29/2005 7:02 am
Originally Posted by: AmericanDream... the best is Dunlop Tortex...
[font=trebuchet ms]I've been using them for years, but I don't buy more than a dozen at a time. I find that the surface burnishes fairly quickly, and then they aren't as easy to hang on to. I've always got a bunch of 'em in my pocket, and every one of my guitar cases has a few tucked away.[/font]
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# 2
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01/29/2005 7:06 am
ya, their best for me, because they dont wear down so fast, and i have so many pics i dont need to buy anymore, i always have them with me, one on my necklace, like a dozen in my case... i dunno why... yeah so.. yes... ROCK ON
Dead Birds...
The American Dream - Punk Pixies
# 3
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01/29/2005 7:28 am
Big Stubbies are the best for bass, imo.

Some fun picks to try are copper Hotlicks, Dava's silver tipped pick, or those picks that are made from buffalo horn. Tortex picks are good because they come in so many shapes to try (the sharp ones are sweet), but I personally prefer gator grip picks to them.
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# 4
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01/29/2005 7:47 am
i love da sharpies
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The American Dream - Punk Pixies
# 5
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01/29/2005 7:51 am
This will probably be moved to the gear section as soon as a mod sees it.

I need some more good picks. I have a bad habit of losing them and right now I'm down into my cheap plastic 7/$ reserves.
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# 6
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01/29/2005 6:29 pm
Ill sell you some :)...

their all new, well i bought them, but besides that their new, never been used.
haha i prolly cant sell you any but i would!
or give you some
Dead Birds...
The American Dream - Punk Pixies
# 7
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01/29/2005 8:24 pm
I'll be needing to get a buncha stuff from the music shop soon, so I'll just pick some up then. Picks aren't the only thing I have a bad habit of losing.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 8
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01/29/2005 10:06 pm
yeah the dunlops are good pics.............

I guess any pic works.

its better than using a penny, like my best friend does
# 9
Vote For Pedro
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01/30/2005 7:11 am
Dunlop is good so is Dava, your fingers make good picks too :)
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# 10
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01/30/2005 6:39 pm
man I HATE heavy picks.

I know they are for super fast playing, but I can manage to get the same speed from my .38mm babbies.

you have to get used to them, but they are SUPER fast if you know how to use them.
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# 11
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01/30/2005 7:40 pm
Jazz III's are where it's at...
# 12
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01/31/2005 1:12 am
Dunlop Tortex - .50mm and some .80mm
I buy them in 100 lots. They are all over the house and really do a number on the vacuum.
I once thought a "Sweeping Arpeggio" was an Italian janitor.
# 13

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