I drop out for a month, and this is what happens? Eggman, you better shape up, take those pants off.. again! and start making sarcastic witty comments.
I need a minute alone...
You don't understand how strongly I feel about this. He was one of my favorite people to make fun of, and now if I do, he can't make a come back?
...wait a minute... if he can't make a come back... I never feel embarrassed about myself...
and to tell you the truth, I never liked seeing his bear rear end on the forums. He also shaved his legs... something I was never too fond of.
So, what do I need him back for? It doesn't feel like there's a reason.
Aww... who am I kidding? Come back.
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks