Problem 1.
I know atleast 7-8 scales in all the C-A-G-E-D patterns, also I know lots of modes etc, I can even write amazing lines for my current favorite styles, blues and rock if I sit down and work them out. However whenever I improvise solos, all my runs seem to have the exact same rythem patterns and I tend to use the same sequence runs alot and prehaps my worst fault is ending each run in the same manner ex. in the minor pentatonic key of E, G-pattern I almost always end my runs with 14 on the d string 12 on the d string 14 on the a string 12 on the d string. The more I practise the worst it gets.
Problem 2.
This is probably my worst problem. Learning a song and 2-3 days later hardly being able to remember the exact rythems and notes. At this point in my playing I have forgotten atleast 300+ songs which is really frustrating when I sink so much time into learning difficult songs with there solos. How can I ever expect to play a live show when I learn a song like dire straits sultans of swing, and 3 days later struggle to remember most of the licks.
So basically if you've bothered to read this far into the post Im asking for any opinions on how to correct these problems.