I was struck with having to make an extremely hard decision this morning. My dog (Bo) had been acting a little sick the past couple of day's, but I didn't think just a whole lot about it, because he just get's in those moods sometimes. Well, when I got home from work yesterday, I found him laying on the deck moaning and whimpering in pain. So, I emediately take him to the vet. The vet said he sounds like he has pneumonia, heart worms, and possibly something else. They put an IV in him to rehydrate him and kept him overnight. He was still with us this morning, but just bairly hanging on. Dr. said he does have pneumonia, heart worms, and a lot of infection, and that they could give us a lot of medicine and treatments for him, but it probably wouldn't do much good. So, I was left with the decision of putting him to sleep or trying to give him the meds and hope for the best. It was a very hard decision to make, but after seeing how much pain he was in, I couldn't bare to see him suffer any more than he already had, so we had him put to sleep. He was only 5 years old. He was the smartest animal I've ever had, and he was a damn good friend and companion. He is, and will be, greatly missed. I'm sorry to bring things down a bit, but I had to tell somebody.
Hard decision made
# 1
Sorry to hear about Bo man, what a bummer.
At least you know their will be no more suffering for him !
At least you know their will be no more suffering for him !
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 2
Thanks Doc. It was hard enough carrying to my truck, because I knew I was hurting him, but I think we both knew I was only trying to help.
# 3
Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate the kind words.
# 4

hi there prs im new here and im sorry to hear about ur pet dog bo..
loosing a pet can be as hard as loosing a loved one.. i have lost so many pets i stopped getting em, cause its too hard to loose them and u made the right choice, even though u might not think so... bo is happy now and is not in any more pain and i bet he is thankful to u for helping him.. it takes
a lot of out people to make a choice like that but when all is said and done u made the right one..
loosing a pet can be as hard as loosing a loved one.. i have lost so many pets i stopped getting em, cause its too hard to loose them and u made the right choice, even though u might not think so... bo is happy now and is not in any more pain and i bet he is thankful to u for helping him.. it takes
a lot of out people to make a choice like that but when all is said and done u made the right one..
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 5
Dude, I feel your pain. I had to put my dog Molly to sleep about a year and a half ago. She was 8 years old and got cancer. We treated her the first time with surgery, and she ended up lasting about another 6 months after that. I went out to feed her and my other dogs one day, and she had a seizure. I called the vet immediately and they said if she had anymore, to bring her in. She had another one about an hour later and I lost it b/c I knew what I had to do. The cancer had spread to her brain. It really sucks to have to make that decision, but it's the best thing you could have done....
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 6
Originally Posted by: PRSplaya... Dr. said he does have pneumonia, heart worms, and a lot of infection ...[font=trebuchet ms]That's rough. That's not a situation a dog is going to come back from. You did right, man.[/font]
# 7
I'm sorry to hear about your dog dude. That's a tough blow, especially since he was only 5. Just be happy that he's not suffering anymore and think about all the good times y'all had.
Maybe I can help ya pick out a new puppy? I'm moving tomorrow! Why don't you PM me with your phone number, and I'll give you a call (as soon as I get a phone :D )
Maybe I can help ya pick out a new puppy? I'm moving tomorrow! Why don't you PM me with your phone number, and I'll give you a call (as soon as I get a phone :D )
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
My YouTube Profile
My YouTube Profile
# 8
Wow, man, I'm sorry. It's good that you're talking to people though, that's clutch in dealing with painful situations. Man, it's terrible when things like this happen.
# 9
Man I get sad when one of our 20 fish die, and my family has had to put down two dogs so I can understand how you're feeling. You made the right decision, so yeah sorry. :(
# 10

I know what you mean, PRS. I had a dog from when I was 4 until I was 16. The greatest dog I ever had, and we had to put her down. Her hips were bad and she had a hard time moving around and she got really sick.
It still saddens me to this day when I think about her. That's a difficult decision to make, but at least you did the right thing. Some people tend to try to hold on to things too long. And the dog can't tell you when it's suffering.
Good luck and get another, it will help heal the heartache.
It still saddens me to this day when I think about her. That's a difficult decision to make, but at least you did the right thing. Some people tend to try to hold on to things too long. And the dog can't tell you when it's suffering.
Good luck and get another, it will help heal the heartache.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 11
yeah, it was really tough today at dinner time. I almost went to feed him, but realized he wasn't there :( . I really appreciate ya'll helping me out through this!
# 12