
The Haunted made me do it
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The Haunted made me do it
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Joined: 06/29/03
Posts: 31
01/11/2005 4:03 pm
Mansun were a band from Chester(UK).They released there debut album,"Attack of the grey lantern"- in 1997.
They were brilliant.
Original,unique,diverse and energetic.
Has anybody here heard Mansun?
I saw them live 3 times and it was a shame to see them split up a couple of years ago...
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Joined: 05/26/03
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01/11/2005 6:32 pm
Describe the sound?I like technical death/thrash/black metal...sceptic,necrophagist,death,spawn of possesion,immortal,children of bodom and such...
Try once,fail twice...
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The Haunted made me do it
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The Haunted made me do it
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Joined: 06/29/03
Posts: 31
01/11/2005 7:38 pm
No-They were Guitar based band from the UK.People wanted to stereotype them as "Indie" Rock,like Oasis etc,but they were nothing like that.Far more talented.
There debut album was as diverse and as brilliant as you'll find.There 2nd was also brilliant.There 3rd was "Poor" and after that they split up.Easily one of the best,original and most diverse bands of the 90's.It's a shame the rest of the world didn't pick up on that,bar a few.
Have a look-
# 3

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