dude, this site looks really cool
good job Jon
This Site Changed

# 1
I've been working on it for at least 6 months. Glad to be able to finally show it off.
I've been working on it for at least 6 months. Glad to be able to finally show it off.
# 2

Jon, quite frankly I think the $5 per month for audio clips is really nervy. I mean, I appreciate that the site was free so far, but it just seems kinda cheap. I could understand for new comers, but it shouldn't apply to people who've been here for a long time. And considering the fact that ppl upload their own mp3s....well you're actually exploiting their work. It's not like they were recorded by qualified instructors with degrees from music universities. Can't you make money from your banners instead?
# 3

how cool is this site!!!! :cool: is just been made 10 times better if not more. U shud feel really proud :D GOOD JOB!! :D
My amp is a weapon of mas DISTORTION!!!!
# 4
Neat looking interface.I was trying to make a post and thought my browser was being hijacked or something at first.
Try once,fail twice...
# 5

Originally Posted by: AkiraI opened guitar tricks from my favs menu, and closed the browser thinking I had clicked the wrong link (I have a lot of links in my favs). It took my 4 trys to realise that it was the right site, just re-vamped.
I think it looks cool, so much better than before.
i did the same thing i thought i clicked the rong site but i havent been on for
a while when did this happin
rock & roll ant muisic
its a way of life
its a way of life
# 6

i agree with cruncher.....i have 2 clips up here also
alot of us been here a long time [and some cant afford 5$] [like me] =(
...IT looks amazing but like i just dont like the money thing at least can we have the like 5 files a day thing for non payers?
Just wanted to add also what is the point of a tab if you cant hear the song?
If you could do 3 or 5 or even 2 songs a day limit like used to be,You're now getting 5$ a month from quite a few people,Can we please have a few song limit at least?
Im not through ranting :mad:
I dont even care bout video lessons or any other subscriber stuff for that matter. just pleaaase let us have more then 2 lessons per style/page/instructor or however it works.
cant believe i have to pay to see and hear my own freaking work :mad: .....o wait....maybey i dont have to pay to hear mine but other people do >=(
alot of us been here a long time [and some cant afford 5$] [like me] =(
...IT looks amazing but like i just dont like the money thing at least can we have the like 5 files a day thing for non payers?
Just wanted to add also what is the point of a tab if you cant hear the song?
If you could do 3 or 5 or even 2 songs a day limit like used to be,You're now getting 5$ a month from quite a few people,Can we please have a few song limit at least?
Im not through ranting :mad:
I dont even care bout video lessons or any other subscriber stuff for that matter. just pleaaase let us have more then 2 lessons per style/page/instructor or however it works.
cant believe i have to pay to see and hear my own freaking work :mad: .....o wait....maybey i dont have to pay to hear mine but other people do >=(
|/- :eek: Zeeky Boogy Doog :eek: -\|
< - (o .0) - >
< - (o .0) - >
# 7
Yeah, i'm going with Meta on this one. Its not that I can't afford $5 a month, I just don't have a credit card. Kind of sucks, but I'll get over it and just use the hell out of the forum as per usual. AND I MISS THE GREEN, the red burns my eyes.
# 8
iiHolly check your PM !!!
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 9