My intonation is starting to get a little off on my acoustic after 10 years of good use. Can this be fixed? I know it would be out of my league, but I would like to know how it is done if possible. The intonation isn't very bad, but it's noticable to me.
intonation on acoustic
# 1
[font=trebuchet ms]It requires filing slopes on the bridge saddle to move the string contact point sharp or flat. If the saddle is narrow, there's very little room for adjustment.[/font]
# 2
I'm at work right now, so I can't say for sure, but I want to say it's between 1/16" - 1/8" wide. Probably closer to 1/8". It's not going to hurt my feelings too much if it can't be corrected, but it was my first "real" guitar.
# 3
StewMac sell acoustic string intonators. May be worth a look !
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 4
hey, that's pretty niffty. I might look into that once I swap my 12-string for a 6-string electric acoustic. I need to give my 'ol faithful' a good set up anyway.
# 5