Leaving for the Navy Jan 31st

Any millitary people here? i dont really know how i feel about going, but i need to do it to better my life, im 18, 19 in feb. Hopfully ill have more time and less distractions to practice while im in. Any words of advice for me?
# 1

# 2
When I was a kid (like 13-15) I entertained the idea of going to the military. But then I saw Stanley Kubrick's film Full Metal Jacket and I deftly decided against that.
My buddy just got back from basic training in the Air Force, which I hear is the easiest of all the branches of the armed forces, and he said it sucked terribly. If you don't mind getting screamed at all the time and don't mind being made to do pushups excessively, then maybe it'll be a nice fit for ya.
My buddy just got back from basic training in the Air Force, which I hear is the easiest of all the branches of the armed forces, and he said it sucked terribly. If you don't mind getting screamed at all the time and don't mind being made to do pushups excessively, then maybe it'll be a nice fit for ya.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 3

My buddy went through the marines and got hurt (gunpowder in the eye) and was honorably discharged, but he said it was pretty much like the movie Full Metal Jacket.
He even sang the "This is my gun..." song.
But if he can do it, then anyone can. He was a major slacker, never get up before noon, lazy, but he did it and it changed him a lot. He was a totally different person when he came back, but he doesn't regret it (but he also doesn't have to go to war).
Good luck and God bless.
He even sang the "This is my gun..." song.
But if he can do it, then anyone can. He was a major slacker, never get up before noon, lazy, but he did it and it changed him a lot. He was a totally different person when he came back, but he doesn't regret it (but he also doesn't have to go to war).
Good luck and God bless.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 4

How exactly will joining the Navy better your life?
This is not criticism, I'm just curious.
This is not criticism, I'm just curious.
# 5
Originally Posted by: PonyOnei'm a scum sucking liberal
Hey man, you're not alone! :D
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 6
I have a lot of friends who went into the military and most of them are better for it.
I half regret not going in myself, but the fact is, they wouldn't let me keep my hair.
From what I've heard from them, here's my advice:
-Boot camp is going to be like a "demented summer camp." Do what they tell you and you'll come out OK. If the drill seargent doesn't know your name by the end of boot, you've probably done well for yourself.
-Get yourself into a good MOS that will have value in the civilian market. My uncle was an Nuclear Engineer in the Navy and now he's earning pretty good money bulding submarines.
-TIME KILLERS: Once you're deployed, you're going to be bored out of your mind. Find something small and portable to keep yourself amused with.
-When you get out, use that GI Bill and get yourself into college.
Other than that, keep your head on your shoulders and don't blow all of your money.
Best of luck, man.
I half regret not going in myself, but the fact is, they wouldn't let me keep my hair.
From what I've heard from them, here's my advice:
-Boot camp is going to be like a "demented summer camp." Do what they tell you and you'll come out OK. If the drill seargent doesn't know your name by the end of boot, you've probably done well for yourself.
-Get yourself into a good MOS that will have value in the civilian market. My uncle was an Nuclear Engineer in the Navy and now he's earning pretty good money bulding submarines.
-TIME KILLERS: Once you're deployed, you're going to be bored out of your mind. Find something small and portable to keep yourself amused with.
-When you get out, use that GI Bill and get yourself into college.
Other than that, keep your head on your shoulders and don't blow all of your money.
Best of luck, man.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
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# 7

better my life? unlike a lot of people i dont have family support or money to leech off of, so i can either get the benifits of the navy, or work a low income job all week long and go to Jr. College if i could even afford that, which wont lead to much, once i finished that i wouldnt be able to afford real college. so thats how it would better my life.
# 8

would a custom shop Randy rhodes be a waste of money? :) i really hope i can keep a guitar on the boat if i am deployed.
# 9
Accelerate your life...by increasing your chances of death...yeah right.
It crossed my mind(for money and benefits) but I wouldn't even be eligible for a draft because of my anxiety/panic disorder(there would be lots of friendly fire on my part)..
Try not to forget you would be apart of a poison in this world that can do no good for the future of mankind...
(the above is the result of being generally pissed today)
It crossed my mind(for money and benefits) but I wouldn't even be eligible for a draft because of my anxiety/panic disorder(there would be lots of friendly fire on my part)..
Try not to forget you would be apart of a poison in this world that can do no good for the future of mankind...
(the above is the result of being generally pissed today)
Try once,fail twice...
# 10
Your a car salesman right pony?I have a great amount of respect for you.You seem to(from all the posts youve had describing your life)have taken life and made it the best from what hand you were delt.
Your living just about every guy's wish(myself included...that being independance,nice girlfriend and good income)...DON'T EVER take your acheivments and progress in life for granted.
much respect.
Your living just about every guy's wish(myself included...that being independance,nice girlfriend and good income)...DON'T EVER take your acheivments and progress in life for granted.
much respect.
Try once,fail twice...
# 11
Yea man, you did pretty good for yourself considering what you had to work with. No help since you were 14? That's rough bro, but I'm glad you pulled it all together and are doing well for yourself. Most people in your situation would've just ended up being loser druggies.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 12

# 13
Originally Posted by: PonyOneif you can't set yourself straight then no one can. having some big dude scream at you and make you do things doesn't set you up for a good life, it sets you up to get yelled at and told what to do. why get $1700 a month to not have any choice what you're gonna do? it's pretty damn easy, honestly, to make $1700 a month, and it's not what you want to settle for. if you go into the military and get training to be an electrical technician or something along those lines, then you did waste four years of your life because you can get your certificate at a community college for the same thing for a few hundred bucks.
Wait, wait, wait...
I have seen Tae Kwon Do (which I'm pretty sure I remember you taking) turn people around (after a lot of yelling and doing what you're told to do) and I've seen the military turn several of my friends around. That's not to say that the military is a universal fix, but learning a little dicipline never hurts and getting a good MOS and being PAYED to learn a skill, practice it and then have your college education PAYED FOR by the government isn't exactly a raw deal.
Especially if you spend it on dry land in a support role or in the all but garanteed safety of a boat in the middle of a substatial fleet.
As far as I can see, this kid is doing something good for himself and for our country.
The LAST thing we should be doing is busting his balls for it.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 14

Alot of harsh words out there, I'm in the Navy, have been for the last 13 years and it's nothing like full metal jacket. I've been on 4 submarimes and been all over the world and have had a ball. As long as you keep a good attitude and stay out of trouble you'll be fine. The Navy has alot to offer take advantage of it. Don't worry about basic or any of that it's all a head game, keep that in mind when they're screaming and yelling about stupid stuff. None of it's as personal as they try to make it seem. Good luck man,
vios con dios, Unclereemus :cool:
vios con dios, Unclereemus :cool:
# 15