guitar recording

im using a sennheiser e609 on a fender hodrod deluxe. The mic goes to a eurotracks mixer, then to a delta101lt audio card. When i record it has a layer of treble that is there whenever i play. Turning down the treble on the mixer helps a little. Ive tried several mic positions which help a little. The recording also sounds flat. This only applies to when im micing the amp. Any suggestions?
# 1
It is probably a sample rate conversion problem.
Check that the sample rate expected by your audio editing / mixing /playback program is the same as the sample rate of the A/D converter on your sound card.
Good luck !
Check that the sample rate expected by your audio editing / mixing /playback program is the same as the sample rate of the A/D converter on your sound card.
Good luck !
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 2