I know you weren't asking me, but I thought I'd help you (and let Johan) out....
Basically, in the Ionian (Major Scale) there are 7 modes, one for every note in a scale...Basically all a mode is is the note of the Major scale (for example C - C D E F A G B) but started from a different note, (e.g. D - D E F G A B C) the notes themselves are the same, but in a different order, meaning there is a slightly different sound and "atmostphere" brought about by using them...
There are some very simple mathematical equations which can be used to work out the shape of a mode, but a better way is to find your own shapes by writting out the Major Scale (C D E F G A B for example) then starting on a different note (e.g. F this time) and finding the notes on the fretboard in a relativly local area, make a note of this shape, do another one, do them all and then practise them...
Hope I've helped...good luck!
I nearly forgot to mention (I've said in other posts, but I'll do it here too)
Ionian - Bright happy sounding (THE Major Scale)
Dorain - Minor sound. Mellow
Phrygian - Minor sound. Very evilish and mellow
Lydian - Jazz & Blue sound. Steve Vaughn used a lot.
Mixolydian - Sorta Bluesy major sound. Hard to describe
Aeloian - Natural Minor scale.
Locrian - Not used a lot. Minor sound. Very low soundDorian - Minor Sound
[This message has been edited by Willdridge (edited 08-20-2000).]
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