Can someone please guide me as to what's next?

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Joined: 05/26/04
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Joined: 05/26/04
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12/04/2004 4:52 am

I have been playing for about a year. I know my scales (natural, minor, pentatonic, etc...) I play blues songs with Chord Progressions and I can solo over them using combinations of pentatonics and so forth. Also, I solo over some bluesy rock songs such as Hotel California which is in B Pentatonic.

My question is: What's next? How can I apply what I know to create rhythm and solos in Rock songs? Is there some secret that I'm not privy to?

Thanks in advance:

# 1
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12/08/2004 11:16 pm
basic bluesy rock songs are easy to come up with because most just follow the I, IV, V (1, 4, 5) chord progression

for example, you start with a G (I)chord, next you have a C (IV), then back to G(I), then to D (V), then C (IV), and back to G

most rock songs will follow this pattern, this tends to get a little on the boring side, but theres nothing wrong with it

so fool around with that for a while

and isn't hotel california in B harmonic minor?
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# 2
Joined: 07/29/02
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Joined: 07/29/02
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12/14/2004 7:07 pm
Start learning all the other scales besides your blues scales. If you're having problems coming up with stuff that doesn't sound blues "" is a good place to get tabs. Learn song by artists that you would like to sound like, and before you know it all your influences will reflect in your playing.

# 3

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