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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
11/28/2004 6:55 pm
Yes with some creative wiring however it is not a job for some one who has never changed pickups before plus you would be messing with your tone control.

The idea with the venerable boost is that you can set it, push it back in and just pull to activate. Instant power ! If you are doubling up with your tone knob, you suddenly have a lot to think about as you need to to bring it to the right level once it is active ! Guaranteed to make your sound man unhappy !

I guess the alternative is to just bypass the tone knob entirely and do with out.

However, another thing to think about is cost. Even if you can find the pickups, (150 bucks minimum), having them installed will not be cheap (hundred bucks min) and by the time you have laid out all the extra cash and figured in the cost of the axe to start with (2-300 bucks), well you may well be better off getting a second hand DKMG ( mine was 400 bucks from eBay) !
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