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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
11/28/2004 3:58 pm
DKMGs come with EMG HZs as stock.

Right, first off I'm not really a metal head as I play lots of different styles so, if you want to play nothing but metal, the EMG HZs may be for you.

The EMG HZs are active pickups (they need a battery) and can supply an extra 20db of boost by pulling and turning the third knob behind the tone and the volume pots.


EMG do not sell these pickups separately (with the boost) however you may be able to find them on eBAY. This is OK because:

1) the extra routing required to install them (i.e. drilling through the body to install the third knob and the required internal routing) would be a major operation and cost you an arm and a leg. Much cheaper to buy a DKMG if that is what you want !

2) tonally they are as flat as a pancake ! This is OK if you are playing really high gain stuff where tone is drowned by distortion however if you want a little versatility, I'd stay well clear !
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