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Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
11/26/2004 8:56 pm
Do you really think a epiphone poly v would out perform a dkmg?!
I mean besides the poly v,there arn't any epi's I know of that have a double locking trem.

And to counter SPL's claim,the ESP 400 and deluxe series comes with either emg 81's or a JB and 59 configuration(the duncans come on the eclipse).Schecter(depending on the model)will come with Duncans and the higher end Ibanez's come with Dimarzio's.

I think only Jackson USA models come with Duncans or emg's(81's or 85's...not the HZ's).
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