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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
11/26/2004 5:16 pm
I have never played the CRVs so I don't really know what they sound like or how responsive they are.


The DKMG I have keeps some pretty serious company in that it has to compete with three Fender Strats, a PRS CE24 and a Gibson Les Paul !

It may also get a better review from someone who was only interested in playing metal.

Go to the shop, play it through a realistic rig (similar to the one you own) and if you like it get it ! What I think sucks my really light some one else's bulb !

Try to ignore what it looks like and concentrate on the way it plays (what it feels like) and what it sounds like in your hand and with your amp.
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