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11/12/2004 10:46 pm
O.K i want to get my parents to get me a pedal for christmas and im wondering what i should get . keep in mind im prety much a beginer and i dont want to spend to much. i might be looking for a multi FX pedal or just something like a chorus ? what should i get ?>??? :)
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# 1
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11/12/2004 10:48 pm
Check out the Digitech RP range, you can find then at

I'd avoid Zoom !
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# 2
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11/13/2004 12:43 am
is the RP80 any good ??lol i know i sound dumb but what can ya do.
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# 3
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11/14/2004 12:40 pm
Originally Posted by: Dr_simonI'd avoid Zoom !

Amen !

Don't forget to check Boss pedals , they're the most popular , and the best IMHO wether it comes to pedals or mutil-FX boards.
# 4
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11/14/2004 1:25 pm
I think that in general Digitech kit is good. I don't like their amp modeling however that is just me. I recently got rid of a GNX2 and that, for the most part sounded great.

You might want to consider spending just a little bit more and getting a model with an expression pedal as that opens up the pitch shifting and Wah effects some of my favorites !

I don't know whether Id say Boss were better than Digitech. Boss have made some really nice pedals however they have also made some real stinkers !!

Heres my current FX rig !


and that can make some very silly noises indeed
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# 5
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11/14/2004 2:07 pm
Very nice kit Doc ! :D

Other than your amp,guitar,and the wah pedal your stuff are 100% Boss ... So why are you recomending Digitech instead ? :confused:
# 6
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11/14/2004 3:33 pm
RV5~150, DD6~140, BF3~110, PH3~95, CE20~150, TU12~65
OD20~150, PS5~155, EV5~80, TR2~90, CS3~80, AW3~100
BCB~60 x2 260 (USD new off music123).
That rings up at about 1600 USD (Thank God for eBay) !

Why not get a GT6 or a ME50 ?

Well the answer is control.

I can tweak any parameter, put the pedals in order or combination or cut anything out the loop entirely during song composition.

I personally really like that flexability. I can even shoot strate into the D1200 with out using amps / pods etc and some times this is exactly the sound I want !

When I start gigging again I will probably get a ME-50 as this beast has multi pedal pre-sets, less noise, no amp modeling and has Midi control as well as being easy to carry, set up and pack away at the end of the night.

I would choose a ME50 over a GNX2 or 3 or 4 as you couldn't turn off the amp modelling, even by setting it to clean. Having jut got a Marshall TSL100 /4x12 cab for the way it sounds, I dont want Digitechs approximation of a Marshall.

If I want amp modeling I have the Pod Pro as I think Line6 do a better job at amp modeling than either Boss or Digitech and for an extra 500 bucks, the Pod Pro bloody well should sound better !

So, if you have 5K to blow and allready have a really nice axe, yep, why not go the Dr_Simon rout. However, reguardless of hown much money you have, not everyone is happy to drop that much on a hobby.

So back to the Digitech RP seris....

I thaught of them because:

1) I've used Digitech in the past
2) they do more of a range of multiFX than Boss
3) the RP series are really good bang for your buck
4) it is much better kit than say Zoom / Fostex multi-FX kit

Roland, Vox, Line6 and Yamaha kit is also very nice but not the cheapest on the planet !
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11/14/2004 7:11 pm
Originally Posted by: Dr_simon Why not get a GT6 or a ME50 ?

Well the answer is control.

I can tweak any parameter, put the pedals in order or combination or cut anything out the loop entirely during song composition.

I have the good ol' GT-3 , and it can do everything you've just said , from putting effects in any order, to the parameters ... In fact , there are usualy more parameters in some multi-FX units than the real pedal.
For example : Phaser , the PH-3 has 4 buttons , on the GT-3 there are 8 parameters .

The problem , is that not all effects are available simultaneously , but they're arranged in groups that people don't oftenly use together .... For example , the compressor and the limiter are in one group and so is the feedbacker and the anti-feedback , you can only choose one ... I can live with that.
# 8
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11/16/2004 1:45 pm
I started out with a Digitech RP100 and then moved up to the RP2000. Both had great effects and were very versatile. The amp modeling was lacking a little, but besides that, I really enjoyed playing with both of them. My cousin has my RP100 and I still enjoy messing with it whenever we get together an play. It was about 6-8 years ago when I got the RP100, so I'm sure they've improved some.
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# 9
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11/17/2004 2:05 am
After a getting a Boss GT6 im come to the conclusion that (and dont hate mf for this) all a real guitarest needs is some overdrive, a bit of reverb, and a dash of corus or delay. However that said, to do it again i would probably go economy, as big is not always better.
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# 10
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11/17/2004 3:55 pm
Depending on how much effect you need, i would recommend checking out the boss gt-6 :)
# 11
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11/17/2004 4:07 pm
Originally Posted by: Polera...all a real guitarest needs is some overdrive, a bit of reverb, and a dash of corus or delay.

Exactly , I never really use phasers, flangers or useless effects like the auto-riff thing .... But still , it doesn't hurt to have them.
# 12
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11/21/2004 7:50 pm
Djeez guy's all good comment's here

I Use for the moment
- A digitech gsp 5 which gives me the sound of end 80's and 90's
- A zoom 2005 which allows me to play allround styles
- A Phonic thing wich allows me to play most acoustic styles

Choosing an effect pedal depends on the style you want to play
and the sorth of amplifier you are playing on
Never forget that a tube amplifier is clearly different than a non-tube amp

Good advise from others is a reference but it is yourself and your
creativity which will help you to make the right choice
and never forget ...everyone has a different hearing...

I hope that my humble contribution was the effort of reading

Greets to all(sorry for the misshaps in English language )

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broken guitarstring"
(found that one myself)
# 13
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11/25/2004 6:00 am
I've been using the Digitech RP300 for nearly 3 years now. It is an awesome piece of equipment. I'd definately recommend getting it over a delay pedal here or a wah pedal there. This does it all and it's got a real low learning curve. It's got 40 built in effects and room for 40 more customized effects. One of the cooler things is that on digitechs website you can check out the various patch libraries and customize your own effects without having to figure out what all the different things mean.
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# 14
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12/01/2004 9:22 pm
Just turn the amp up and play...... But if you really want a pedal.. grab a wah... at least they're fun to mess with.
# 15
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12/09/2004 9:55 pm
wat is the best decent price reverb pedal i can buy :confused:
# 16
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12/09/2004 9:57 pm
wat is the best decent priced reverb pedal i can buy :confused:
# 17
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12/09/2004 10:52 pm
I use a Boss RV-5 and I quite like it though you have to remember, reverb after distortion !!
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# 18
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01/04/2005 5:26 pm
wat is the diffrence between a distortion and overdrive pedal?
# 19
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01/04/2005 5:40 pm
could any1 recomend a gd solid distortion for classic rock ive got crap equipment a squier fender frontman 15watt and a morley clw im buyin a new guitar soon (a epiphone lp standard)
# 20

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