A loverly story of Charles Manson convinsing little girls to kill
Chuckies Song
©2004 K. Taylor/Schmange Music/Gorilla Problem
I really like you
You're nice
Let me in
I will crush your ****ing skull
Just a note: We got a bunch of girs aged about 9 to 12 to do all the backgorund harmonies but recorded them before we did the main vocals.
No innocent little girls were harmed in the making of this beautiful work of art.
And yes.... this album is now available from Wavelength Productions U.K./Canada. for the low low sale price of #11.29
Availablility: ships in 1 to 2 days.
Just click below and send your hard earned money for the best and most sexually gratifying experience of your life.
lofi- demo tunes also available here:
Forgot to mention: The background drums to this are actually a track taken from "Not In Love" by Platinum Blonde
Chuckie (Adult Situations - Rated R)
# 1

This is ****ing awesome!!!!!!!
I bought a copy :) :D
This is ****ing awesome!!!!!!!
I bought a copy :) :D
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 2
Schmange, this song is what Robb Zombie has been aspiring to since before his days with White Zombie.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
My YouTube Profile
My YouTube Profile
# 3
I agree with Leedogg. That song was....uhm.......different....than what I was expecting. Good stuff
# 4