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Joined: 10/31/04
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Joined: 10/31/04
Posts: 531
11/01/2004 6:47 am
Originally Posted by: DreamRyche2112Hmmmmmm Does not appear to be a big fan base for Mr. O'reilly. He' loud, obnoxious, opinionated and BTW a pervert.

Just curious how does every one feel about the following 3 individuals:

Howard Stern
Kobe Bryant
William Jefferson Clinton

Peace Out

Mr. D

1. obnoxious
2. other than that he's overpaid (as athletes tend to be), no other opinion on him.
3. for as much as he was attacked for getting a blowjob...he handled the whole situation wrong and made us less safe.....and it was stupid of him to think that bush's team would actually listen to his own team's intellegence on terrorism. he should have gone into afghanistan and left bush with the mess. post is done...goodbye.