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Joined: 10/31/04
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11/01/2004 4:52 am
Originally Posted by: ChristophWhat a bunch of tripe. How convenient that this all of a sudden happens right before the election in an attempt to discredit O'reilly. They're just trying to trash his show because he had President Bush on for an interview, but Kerry is too weak to actually show up and answer some questions. The piece of crap lawyer who is "representing" the so-called victim and who is heading the charges against O'reilly just happens to have connections to the democratic party. Coincidence? I think not.

The funny thing is that O'reilly's ratings are now higher than ever.

of course there are higher ratings....people wanna watch the guilty perv in action. it's sparked people's interests.

i wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was a publicity stunt from the inside.

as far as kerry not being able to take being on o'reilly's show....i wouldn't wanna be on his show either....he's a rude jerk who interrrupts all his guests as soon as they start to put up any type of argument against reilly's ideals.

but whatever.....i hate both bush and kerry.....just happen to hate kerry less because he actually understands the idea of separation of church and state. post is done...goodbye.