I want to recored something that I play on my PC.
Also with drum machnes.
what kind of gear should I buy?
Originally posted by EdmaD
I recommend you Cakewalk 8 or 9 (with version 9 you can display and save tablature staff). With this software you can combine wave audio and midi easily. Also i use goldwave for recording and the enviromental audio of the sound blaster live for effects.
Originally posted by Christoph
Hmmm . . . I tried using Cakewalk, and I wasn't too impressed. I don't know if there was a bug in the program, but when I tried to record anything, it would go for about a minute and then just stop. It would do the same thing with importing wave files, and would only give me a minute of audio before cutting out. Bah!
The Sound Blaster Live is a great product though. You can add chorus and reverb dynamically when you record!
[i]Originally posted by EdmaD
Try using Cakewalk 9. [/B]
Originally posted by LEEtheV[i]Originally posted by EdmaD
Try using Cakewalk 9.