Conscious efforts, or mere accidents?

Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
03/05/2001 2:29 am
"I never sit down and make a conscious effort to try and write a guitar part, most of my ideas just seem to happen while we're jamming, or while I'm watching tv or something." -Tony Iommi

Well, its safe to say that Tony is great, and whatever it took for him to come up with all of those Black Sabbath riffs, it sure was worth it. I grew up listening to the seventies rock, there is no comparison to alot of the stuff that is out today, because back then most musicians focused more on their sound instead of how they present themselves to the world. Today its all about image. Today, there are some good bands here and there, but I'm still looking for those guitar riffs that grab you by the throat and slam you down, and the solos that leave you breathless and always asking for more. When it comes to our original style, its important to go by what sounds good, and just like listening to our favorites for the first time, we know when we hear something that we like. Most of your signature riffs, are they usually a conscious effort, or mere accidents during those rather impulsive jamming session late at night? Alot of the times when we aren't thinking about it, some of our greatest compositions come into play.

"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 1
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03/08/2001 6:29 pm
This may have nothing to do with this post but I can kinda agree. Although I havnet been playing long, I can tell I play better when I'm not really trying too. Everythings just seems to flow better when you're relaxed, breathing, not too worried about what is going on around you so much. It just kind all falls together.

Practice, practice, practice...
# 2
Joined: 07/11/00
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Joined: 07/11/00
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03/08/2001 11:00 pm
One of the hardest things for any musician is developing the ability to transport the music you hear in your head onto guitar, it can be frustrating experience (and it usually is). Because we can't always sit back with no interuptions and just let our ideas naturally come together, there are always distractions from others, and our everyday (or even night obligations.) But when it comes to my best results, its usually when i'm not thinking about it, sometimes it when I'm on the road with my jeep, or sometimes I just get a certain idea in my head on the job. (That Martin Backpacker really comes in handy..:D

When writing music, it can be as simple as knowing what you like to hear, just like when you hear one of your favorite guitar riffs on the radio, or when you hear the most exillerating solo for the first time. Sometimes its worth relying on your imediate re-action...

"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 3

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