Can we have everything louder than everything else???
What made you get into playin guitar????

For me it was watching Ritchie Blackmore on a mtv concert when they used to play real music!!! Anyway the way he just played and then went nuts on his strat blew me away,My favorite part was when he was playin the Smoke on the Water riff with a frisbee.After that I told my folks I wanted a guitar and after that things have never been the same.
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# 2

The punk explosion in 1976 it made me realise that anyone could do it. I bought a guitar played it for about 3 weeks, forgot about it and returned to it 21 years later. I regret not keeping it up all those years ago.
It takes 3 chords, 2 fingers and one asshole to play rock'n'roll
# 3
# 4

That nylon string guitar standing in my living room 8 years ago, it looked very intrigueing! So I picked it up one day, and started playing, fell in love with it from the moment I knew my first 3 chords! hehe
It's weird how you start loving it more and more the more you play though, freaky stuff!
Greetz, TK
It's weird how you start loving it more and more the more you play though, freaky stuff!
Greetz, TK
# 5

.....after the Northridge earthquake and moved back East. Good thing I just bought a guitar at the time and just started playing the Blues. snif snif
# 6

hmmm... i wanted to do it since i first heard queen record, when i was ten...
then when i was 14, 2.5 years ago i first heard made in japan by deep purple, then i knew i was into it..
the solo of highwaystar was one of the best musicial experiences i've ever had, and i think that when i heard it i just knew i should play guitar
then when i was 14, 2.5 years ago i first heard made in japan by deep purple, then i knew i was into it..
the solo of highwaystar was one of the best musicial experiences i've ever had, and i think that when i heard it i just knew i should play guitar
"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
# 7

Hendrix, he was a god. No one will never amount to him. He is the main reason while i wanted to play.
"I'll stand up next to a mountain and chop it down with the edge of my hand."
-Jimi Hendrix
-Jimi Hendrix
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Originally posted by trendkillah
That nylon string guitar standing in my living room 8 years ago, it looked very intrigueing! So I picked it up one day, and started playing, fell in love with it from the moment I knew my first 3 chords! hehe
It's weird how you start loving it more and more the more you play though, freaky stuff!
Greetz, TK
Yes, I learned how to play giuitar on my mothers 1950's Yamaha nylon string acoustic. Its great when you can learn fingerstyle before everything else, because it really helps you get in touch with your natural abilities, and later on down the line it definitely adds a great amount of fluidity to your overall technique. Personally, Jimmy Page inspired me in so many different ways, what really attracted me to his style is the fact that he in't afraid to go with his impulses whether its blues, rock or classical pieces. There aren't many people quite like him who aren't afraid to rely on themselves.
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 11

The reason why i started playin was mainly that i admired the skill involved and practise needed to be able to play.
I felt i owed it to myself to give it a go..
Its better that all this trance music crap, guitar has voice, guitar has sole and above all.....
I felt i owed it to myself to give it a go..
Its better that all this trance music crap, guitar has voice, guitar has sole and above all.....
SiLVER says..., you'll be famous one day!
# 12
buddy holly originally got me interested, but i gave it up for a while because i was getting frustrated...
however, a few years ago i heard stairway to heaven for the first time and i have never been the same
however, a few years ago i heard stairway to heaven for the first time and i have never been the same
To improve technique and of course trying to keep all as clean as possible. I know my own limits and speed limits and so on I never play anything I'm not capable of. That wouldn't make any sense. After three years of playing I tried to play everything as fast as possible and that sounded, I would say, like shit, and I didn't realize that if I'd play bit slower things than I was capable of playing then everything would sound much better.
--Aleksi Laiho - Advice to Play By
--Aleksi Laiho - Advice to Play By
# 13

I guess I was facinated by the fact that I didn't have to blow into it to make it sound it makes the noise all by it self. When I was young this was really a cool thing for me, then I heard Aldo Nova, Def Leppard and AC/DC. I really liked heavy music. I met a guy at High school who's brother was in a band called Sweet Poison. I got to roady for them and got to watch Frankie Alcazar play his guitar and make such cool noises out of it. I had to learn, I got a harmony guitar from another kid in school and a little Garilla amp. I have been playin ever since.
# 14