
I'm sorry if this type of thread has been done to death. I tried searching for similar threads but didn't work too well. I really have no musical experience except for that one year in grade 9 with a clarinet so, no experience. I was just wondering why you all love playing the guitar so much. I have this urge to start, need to get a job first. I don't want to find out I had a bad reason for playing. It would just be better to have a genuine passion. I figure I'll never play in a band, so this would just be for me. I'm just hoping you guys can inspire some real sentiment for sitting for hours by yourself strumming your guitar. I always didn't really like it when people started things just for an image, or because it seemed like something good at the time. Just might be frustrating for those that take their passions seriously. Anyways, thanks a lot, and sorry for any repitition.
# 1

I do it because I'm an old weirdo and I really enjoy annoying others, also it's a creative outlet thats very theraputic, the doctors said it was either play guitar or more thorazin, Well really it was something I always wanted to do, if you like music, what could be better than making it yourself, I've been playing for 26 years and don't plan on stopping until death , how good of a reason does one need to play an instrument, personal amusement seems like quite enough.............
# 2
there was this comedian called Bill Hicks, a total genius (IMHO) who used to tell this tail about sitting in a coffee house reading a book. The gist of the story was the waitress asking him "why are you reading?" and this struck him as a really odd question. Not "What are you reading" but "why".
It is the same thing with the guitar. It is not mystical or religious I just enjoy doing it. I have also been playing for over 20 years and it is a rally big part of my nonprofessional life !
It is the same thing with the guitar. It is not mystical or religious I just enjoy doing it. I have also been playing for over 20 years and it is a rally big part of my nonprofessional life !
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 3
I do it because I enjoy creating something. As goofy and ridiculous as that creation may be, it's still mine.
# 4
I've always been inspired by music, it just clicked with me in a way where I needed to make it, rather than just listen to it. I like watching my skill grow to where I can accomplish something that seemed like only a dream a few years ago. I also like long-term goals. The kind where you have to work at them for years and years to see a pay-off, which is usually quite large.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 5

I've picked up guitar being through my interest in creating music. I've always thought it so wonderful how someone is able to put feeling and life into strumming a few chords (or picking a few strings). Not only is it fun and interesting, but by practicing you can learn some of your favorite songs, as well as create ones for you, or others, to enjoy.
# 6

I have no friends. And I used to masturbate too much. Had to find some way to fill the other 12 hours in a day.
# 7
Originally Posted by: finger_cruncherI have no friends. And I used to masturbate too much. Had to find some way to fill the other 12 hours in a day.
I appreciate your honesty....I think.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 8

that's a pretty deep question... "why?" seeing as how my 5 year old son always asks why about EVERYTHING, it does make you stop and ask.. why
Honestly - because I wanted something for just me. I absolutely love being able to sit down and learn something that I've always had an interest in and do it by myself. Working with people all day long, I find that I'm most relaxed when I'm stressing out about how to play something or trying to figure out a song that I want to learn. It's therapy in a way.....
not to mention it's just the greatest instrument ever created... you can do sooooo many things with it, so many styles, techniques etc... I love it!
but for you - it's personal choice.. do you think you want to emulate someone or did a particular person inspire you to start? Why do you think you want to play?
Honestly - because I wanted something for just me. I absolutely love being able to sit down and learn something that I've always had an interest in and do it by myself. Working with people all day long, I find that I'm most relaxed when I'm stressing out about how to play something or trying to figure out a song that I want to learn. It's therapy in a way.....
not to mention it's just the greatest instrument ever created... you can do sooooo many things with it, so many styles, techniques etc... I love it!
but for you - it's personal choice.. do you think you want to emulate someone or did a particular person inspire you to start? Why do you think you want to play?
"The one truly great thing about this life is that noone can sincerely and truly help someone, without helping themselves"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
# 9

Well I thought it was dumb. Once I saw my friend play and he's pretty good. So I just thought it looked like something really worthwhile. I'm afraid to say the image is appealing. I think that's a bad reason to start anything. And seeing as I don't really have any artistic passion, I might as well have this. Actually, the one guy that makes it look good is that Nick Valensi guy from the Strokes. I'll never be too talented, but oh well. It's a shame I never started anything sooner and stuck with it.
# 10

you may surprise yourself. i became a much better player than i had ever hoped for when i started out.
now granted, that's not saying a lot, i didn't hope for much. but i was surprised.
now granted, that's not saying a lot, i didn't hope for much. but i was surprised.
# 11
Yeah, I totally agree. You will become, with practice, MUCH better than you think you will. It seems frustrating now, but soon you will rock.
# 12

Well i got a guitar a few years ago because i thought me and some friends would start up a litle band or something just for the kicks but then none of my friends started up playin :eek: but i sorta gave up playin because i felt i sucked for the amount of time i played but now im starting to play again because i find its a realy fun way to meet people and just realy a super easy way to be kinda like a slacker and sit around for a few hours hehehe im still not good but it feels GREAT when u can play a new song . so i guese the jist of it is the payoff!
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.What, and that makes you special?
# 13

Everyone starts off making alot of noise. I've never seen anyone pick up a guitar and off the bat hit a chord, let alone play a scale. I imagine the reason any musician plays an instrument is because they love to do it, or their parents forced them to; usually the first of the two. I mean, I didn't start not sucking so badly until I spent 4+ hours a day practicing. I didn't practice because I wanted to get better, I just liked to play. Its really never too late to start playing, I've had my Epiphone since I was about 10 but didn't really get into it until I was 16. Now, two years later, I'm amazed at how far I've come from that awful racket I used to make back then. Its not hard, it just takes time and effort.
You're an inspiration for birth control. - Duke Nukem.
# 14
For me, it was because my Dad had an old electric guitar (a Conrad, anyone heard of those?) sitting around and I picked it up one day to just make some noise to see what it was all about. I've been playing everyday for the last 15 years since. I remember the first song I learned was Queensryche's Silent Lucidity (go ahead and laugh, I do). I figured it out by watching the video on MTV, when it was still MTV......I just remember falling in love with the guitar the first time I touched one.....
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Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 15
Originally Posted by: AkiraIt's just nice to come home from College, sit down, and relax with guitar.
I took mine with me to college...
# 16
Originally Posted by: JFRICKI've been playing everyday for the last 15 years since. I remember the first song I learned was Queensryche's Silent Lucidity (go ahead and laugh, I do).
Has 15 years really passed since that song came out? I remember it pretty vividly. Damn, now I'm feeling old :(
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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My YouTube Profile
# 17
What, no one else here learned guitar to pick up chicks?
Well, alright, I guess the main motivation for me was I wanted to be good at something, and I knew that piano and violin were waaaaay too hard. Then someone in my Gr. 11 English class made up a little band and played a couple songs (one was "Creep" by Radiohead) for an English project (that English teacher was a little flaky and let him play full on electric with real drums in the middle of the school day). When I saw him playing guitar, I was so impressed by the power and magnetism of the instrument that I knew I had to learn. That was also around the time that I was really starting to get into rock music.
So, I got my acoustic (Yammy FG-310S) probably about 7 or 8 years ago and my electric (Fender Mex Strat) almost exactly 5 years ago, and I just can't seem to beat the chicks off of me!
Well, alright, I guess the main motivation for me was I wanted to be good at something, and I knew that piano and violin were waaaaay too hard. Then someone in my Gr. 11 English class made up a little band and played a couple songs (one was "Creep" by Radiohead) for an English project (that English teacher was a little flaky and let him play full on electric with real drums in the middle of the school day). When I saw him playing guitar, I was so impressed by the power and magnetism of the instrument that I knew I had to learn. That was also around the time that I was really starting to get into rock music.
So, I got my acoustic (Yammy FG-310S) probably about 7 or 8 years ago and my electric (Fender Mex Strat) almost exactly 5 years ago, and I just can't seem to beat the chicks off of me!
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 18
One of the nicest things about the guitar for me is that it stops me thinking about science and work.
That is a nice escape !!
That is a nice escape !!
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 19

Originally Posted by: RivieraI have this urge to start, need to get a job first. I don't want to find out I had a bad reason for playing. It would just be better to have a genuine passion. I just hope you guys can inspire some real sentiment for sitting for hours by yourself strumming your guitar.
Genuine passion must come from u..not from us guys on the board. :cool:
anyway... u pick up guitar ok, and u do it for the image - i dont think that really works out,
1. guitar is not as easy as it seems u need to practice a lot, especially for the first few months, to get ur fingers playing fro more than half an hour without feeling like the skin is gonna break.
2. by the time uve done this if its only image u want then mostly ur guitar will stay in the case.
3. even if u do manage to keep learning and still be only concerned about image, im sure u have a good brain mechanism that allows you to jerk yourself around, and make u think that ur doing this outta love.
4. as is always the case, u must have more then enough to know what enough is - so always try out stuff that tickle ur brain no matter how silly they seem,
on the other hand u can start out, with a gut wrenching loin burnin passion, and end up with a block after a few years, - im in this situation now, after 2 yrs after finally getting a guitar i seem to have lost my motivation. [not passion but i question it due to lack of practicing] vicious cycle damn right
well thats a pile of rubbish... :D
'i dont have low self esteem, it's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else' - Daria
# 20