Joe Pass's Autmn Leaves

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Posts: 118
09/08/2004 11:03 pm
I was just listening to the song when i heard someone breathing i stoped and it wasnt me and im alone and i listened closely and i think you can hear Joe Pass breathing on the song Autmn Leaves am i just imaginig it or do u guys notice it?
Alas for I am Jay! Reviver of very, very old threads!
# 1
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09/08/2004 11:15 pm
have u seen the sixth sense???

# 2
Big as Elvis, Baby
Joined: 11/29/01
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Big as Elvis, Baby
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09/09/2004 1:15 pm
Joe looked like a heavy breather to me ;)
# 3
The Ace
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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The Ace
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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09/11/2004 2:19 am
Was that on Virtuoso? I haven't listned to Pass in a long time... I need to though...

*Goes off to find collection of dormant CDs*
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 4

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