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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
09/10/2004 5:53 pm
Originally Posted by: SPL... You can, however, claim that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. In that sense it's only a matter of opinion...
[font=trebuchet ms]Marriage has only been the union of one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others, since before recorded history. The notion that two people of the same sex should be able to form a similar monogamous relationship is a different concept, and certainly does not fit the existing definition of marriage. That does not mean that the definition of marriage should be thrown out. It does not mean that the definition of marriage should be diluted to the point that it becomes meaningless. The gay community has proven to be very inventive in creating new terms to describe the situations they experience. They get around the potential confusion about who is 'wife' and who is 'husband' by referring to each other as partners. There is no excuse for attempting to co-opt the definition of marriage, nor is there any need to.[/font]
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