Originally Posted by: Azraelme? banned? what are you thinking????
I don't know Az, I can see you as the kind of guy who...
(story format)
When someone makes a tiny poke at you, a small vain (vane?) protrudes from your forehead. As time passes by, this vain grows slightly larger, and your brain starts to be overgrown with the built up ill intentions towards the whole of GT. Until one day when someone like, Simon, or Leedogg, or Incidents happen, or eggman or.... me (haha!) pushes you off the edge. In the moment when you are pushed off the edge, you immediately grab "The Dragon" and flip it on to "Nuclear war" mode. You launch it at the computer.
Then you realize that was a stupid idea and go buy another one. As you do this you see Simon (who happens to be the one who pushed you off the edge in this scenario), and you immediately go, "What?!?! Doctor Simon? I love that guy!!!" Except when you are running to embrace him, your brain shuts down ands turns over into the "I want to kill everyone on GT" mode and you go grab the Dragon again. You nuke Doc. Waaaaaaaaaa!!!! :(
So now your wanted for murder, right? Well the dude's British, for some reason he was out in.. that country you live in (I would go look back, but I'm far too lazy to do that right now). Well now you have gone and started a war between the UK and... (is it Germany?), because Doc actually happened to be an heir to the throne, just nobody knew about it. So we've got this war happenin' and LATS runs in. He takes you hostage, and he wants to kill you, you see, but he can't. You see LATS is mad becuz he's not a super mod, but Doc is a super mod, and since you killed him, he's happy.
That had no rellevance. So you nuke LATS 'cuz he has no reason for being there, and you don't understand the Canadian currency.
Any way there' all this blood shed going on. Finally I (who happen to show the utmost maturity and coolness in this situation) tell what has happened to Eggman, who was dancing around in his room with no pants (gasp!), immediately he jumps into action and tells Jon. But Jon's on vacation, and something needs to be done now. Sow Schamnge comes in, and takes the liberty to not only ban you Az, but ban just about everybody on the site.
You see what you have caused Azrael? And to think at one time I looked up to you...
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks