At this point, I'm very content with my collection of
Fender Strats, because its the most versatile instrument Ive ever layed my eyes on. I love to just sit back and play for hours, and rely on my impluses when it comes to techniqwue and sounds. However, I'm definitely very much interested in
PRS guitars, but like you guys already know they cost an arm and leg. But if you're lucky enough to be able to afford one, you can't deny that its one of the most comfortable instruments you've ever held in your grasp. The custom 22 has such a nice mellow acoustic sound when played clean, and then watch out for that loud crunch when you crank up the volume, it definitely comes alive. I don't think that the search for the perfect instrument ever really ends, and this feeling of disatisfaction can really be used to your advantage.
-Joseph, :).
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."