At such a young age, you should try and get out there, and meet as many people as possible, and be sure to find the right people who are willing to listen to your ideas.
For a paying job, you just have to be willing to take whatever gigs are available, don't set your standards too high., A lot of us have dreams, and with our acoustic guitar, its rather simple an it may not seem very exciting to others, but with never ending creativity, And a whirl wind of enthusiasm, you'd be surprised how far one person could get with just his acoustic guitar in hand. Its all a matter of patience, and whether or not you're good in dealing with rejection, because things don't always have a way in working out for the best.
What matters is whether or not you're into to music for more than just impressing others and making a whole lot of money, your intentions should be based primarily on impressing yourself, and taking your music to its highest level, (by trusting your gut instincts.)Its safe to say that its never easy to start a one man acoustic show, but hey look at The Dave Mathews band, these guys are killer, the singers personal songs are lyrically sophisticated and musically adept. What I find so impressive, is that he was able to appeal to such a large audience being that he experiments with jazz, pop, rock, and even traditional elements. This guy found the riught people to collaborate with, who are open minded, and are on the same mind track as himself.
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."