BTW i´m from Austria so plz forgive mistakes in the text if there are some...
Verse 1:
Sometimes it´s running faster
Sometimes it feels like it stopped
Sometimes you got too little of it
Sometimes it´s all you got
Sometimes you don´t think of it
Listen to this song
Sometimes you think you have too much of it
And then it´s all gone
Hey!!! Time runs away
Hey!!! Think of it every day
Hey!!! Don´t loose any second
Hey!!! Think of it and – live
Verse 2:
It´s a street that leads to a dead end
Or are you religious though?
Don´t close your eyes and think of that:
Time is your greatest foe.
You die every second
Or at least you get one step
Closer to the end
Don´t get off the track
I´m not the only one
Who thought of that
I know a wise man
“carpe diem” he said.
So live your life
And think of the fact
That you aren´t immortal too
So use the time you have
Verse 3:
I think it´s a curse you know
everyone is cursed
I don´t want to look back
To see what was in the past
Cause everyone is gone now
Nothing could take them away
No plague, no war, no fire
Time managed it easily
Hey!!! You can try to run away
Hey!!! Time is faster
Hey!!! No one is save
Hey!!! Everybody is with one step in his grave
Aeon of Strife
Verse 1:
I´m sitting in the darkness,
Mind unfocused
Tired of the things
I had to go through
Tired of living
Tired of lying
Tired of surviving
The everyday life
I became blind to the good things in life,
The little exceptions in our time.
There was no answer to the things that count,
I only see the sickness around.
Black oil is flowing through my veins,
Painfull emptyness filling my brain.
In my agony there is no sound
No light no answer only shadows unbound.
I´m in search for what I once was
Eternal light turned to shadows
Looking for the thing I lost so long ago
If I only knew what to look for
Verse 2:
I look up to the sky and see
that my god has forsaken me
and I just can´t believe
that he´ll come back to me
No matter what I do or what I say
I can´t escape this hell of me
Captured in this dark place
There is no life in my face.
I look outside and see
That the world has made me
What I am what I become
A damned creature only alone
I´ll get back to my grave
There is no meaning to life
Spending my time wasting hours
What I call the Aeon of Strife