- Selective Picking (figuring how I was going to pick, not alternating everything - see below)
- Switching to light picks
- Curling my fingers in (stop anchoring)
- Picking more with index/thumb movement than wrist
- Relaxing the muscles in my forearms and shoulders and just glide
Selective Picking, for example, can save 33% - 50% of the effort it takes to pick every note. If you are doing a run, try paying close attention to how you are picking... As you switch from string to string, minimize the distance your pick has to travel by "falling" or "pulling" to the next string (depending if you are ascending or descending a riff).
So for example on the low E string, Down-Up-Down and instead of going Up-Down-Up on the A string, try Down-Up-Down. So the two "Downs" together actually require only "One" pick swipe by you but it produces two notes and a much cleaner and smoother transition to the next string.
This may sound simplistic but it is something that has made an instant difference in my playing.
Anyway, hope this helps someone.