And I'm confused because some people say that you shouldn't move your wrist, and on the other hand I've heard that using your wrist is a good thing.
Fast riffs NOT using alternate picking

I'm talking about riffs like the main riff in Master of Puppets where you have to play fast by using only downstrokes. How should I move my hand? Only the wrist or the whole arm by using my elbow? Because I can't play it really long or my hand starts to hurt.
And I'm confused because some people say that you shouldn't move your wrist, and on the other hand I've heard that using your wrist is a good thing.
And I'm confused because some people say that you shouldn't move your wrist, and on the other hand I've heard that using your wrist is a good thing.
# 1

the obvious thing would be to do what feels right to you....This book may say to do it a certain you have to do it that way??? nooooo
I dont play master of puppets usin downstrokes only...does it sound and different? not to me
do whats comfortable and use some common sense before askin quesitons like these
I dont play master of puppets usin downstrokes only...does it sound and different? not to me
do whats comfortable and use some common sense before askin quesitons like these
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 2
NA, allways ask questions, that is what the forum is for !
My instructors page and for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 3

yes Doc thats what this forum is for BUT it seems people have forgoten about the "Search" button which helps alot and if ppl would use it more often then there would be no need to answer the same questions 1,000 times and I think that alot of people on this board might agree
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 4

but to answer your question, yes you should do what is more comftorable but i play that with all downstrokes, and I do it with just small flicks of the wrist whilst my elbow remains motionless, do this by finding the zero point between ample palm-muting and your comfort zone, and use that as your pivot point and make as small strokes as possible but still put the necessary strength behind each one, speed and endurance will develop
# 5
Moving only the fingers holding the pick OR the wrist , while keeping the elbow fixed is the way to go for fast stuff.
Downstrokes sometimes sound better than alternate picking like on the Puppets riffs , but if it's too hard for you to do it , try keeping the pick's surface parallel to the strings ... This should give the same sound for the down and up attacks , which will sound similar to successive downstrokes.
You should practice downstrokes and save this trick for faster rhythms , master of puppets isn't that hard to play.
Downstrokes sometimes sound better than alternate picking like on the Puppets riffs , but if it's too hard for you to do it , try keeping the pick's surface parallel to the strings ... This should give the same sound for the down and up attacks , which will sound similar to successive downstrokes.
You should practice downstrokes and save this trick for faster rhythms , master of puppets isn't that hard to play.
# 6
What may be common sense to you may not come so easily to others. Sometimes its nice to have your questions answered by actual people rather than a web page. Everyone has different learning techniques. So just chill, and don't make someone feel bad for asking a question (unless its about how to tap, or alternate pick, because I'm about sick of those questions). :rolleyes:
# 7
Originally Posted by: ketsueki15yes Doc thats what this forum is for BUT it seems people have forgoten about the "Search" button which helps alot and if ppl would use it more often then there would be no need to answer the same questions 1,000 times and I think that alot of people on this board might agree
Yes, that is certainly what the "search" button is for and I to sometimes despair when some of the particularly asinine and frequently occurring topics are once again taken from the closet and beaten to death publicly.
However, a little humility, especially with new users is a good think don't you think ?
My instructors page and for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 8

If you guys think that I humiliated him..then my bad but what is not common sense about doing what is most comfortable to you or what feels right to you???? I mean thats common sense everybody has (or atleast should have) and incase you misunderstood iiholly by "Search" button we meant searching past forums on this website that have been discussed a billion times and answered by "actual" people
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 9
Originally Posted by: ketsueki15If you guys think that I humiliated him.. then my bad [/QUOTE]
I don't think you humiliated anyone, I just think you were being nasty and trying to score a few points at the expense of a Neub.
[QUOTE=ketsueki15] but what is not common sense about doing what is most comfortable to you or what feels right to you????
DO you really believe this, if so you probably should be locked up ! Did you ever see the Simpsons episode where everyone behaves like Bart ?
Common sense is arbitrary at best and to try and argue what it is and what it is not is futile.
Common sense also has nothing to do with what feels right ! Eating rib eye stake and large portions of pie 3 times a day feels great but is it common sense... no ! To a homicidal sociopaths, randomly killing people feels right... should they do !
My instructors page and for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 10
Originally Posted by: ketsueki15yes Doc thats what this forum is for BUT it seems people have forgoten about the "Search" button which helps alot and if ppl would use it more often then there would be no need to answer the same questions 1,000 times and I think that alot of people on this board might agree[/QUOTE]
Not really sure what search terms he should use... "fast riffs"? "non-alternate picking"? Any suggestions?
I understand if he was asking "what is a hammer-on?", "what gauge strings do you use?", or "what colour shirt matches with brown shoes?" I've started new topics on subjects that I know have been discussed before, but I started them anyways, since (a) I had no idea what search terms to use, and (b) I wanted a fresh perspective.Originally Posted by: Dr_simonHowever, a little humility, especially with new users is a good think don't you think ?
[quote="ketsueki15]If you guys think that I humiliated him..then my bad
One's a noun, one's a verb. Big difference which led to a bit of a misunderstanding.
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 11
LOL! so much for that.
Ok folks - quit complaining over questions like those in public. If you don't want to answer them, then DO NOT ANSWER THEM!
If you don't like reading them .. guess what..DO NOT READ THEM!
Any further complaints of that kind will not be tolerated unless the thread is REALY stupid. even in that case - don't go on about it and start bitching and endless flaming-threads. Report such posts to a moderatorm via PM!
Everything else will be deleted and if persistent will result in a ban of the user.
Ok folks - quit complaining over questions like those in public. If you don't want to answer them, then DO NOT ANSWER THEM!
If you don't like reading them .. guess what..DO NOT READ THEM!
Any further complaints of that kind will not be tolerated unless the thread is REALY stupid. even in that case - don't go on about it and start bitching and endless flaming-threads. Report such posts to a moderatorm via PM!
Everything else will be deleted and if persistent will result in a ban of the user.
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 12

well you cant say I didnt answer his question
Eggman...I searched " master of puppets pick" and I got
Eggman...I searched " master of puppets pick" and I got
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 13

I know...
# 14

Originally Posted by: AzraelLOL! so much for that.
Ok folks - quit complaining over questions like those in public. If you don't want to answer them, then DO NOT ANSWER THEM!
If you don't like reading them .. guess what..DO NOT READ THEM!
Any further complaints of that kind will not be tolerated unless the thread is REALY stupid. even in that case - don't go on about it and start bitching and endless flaming-threads. Report such posts to a moderatorm via PM!
Everything else will be deleted and if persistent will result in a ban of the user.
I know...
# 15
Originally Posted by: iamthe_eggman... I've started new topics on subjects that I know have been discussed before, but I started them anyways, since (a) I had no idea what search terms to use, and (b) I wanted a fresh perspective...For a fresh perspective to an old thread, post a reply to the old thread. That brings the old thread back to the top of the stack for everyone to review and reply to. A good example of this is the recent resurrection of your old 'pick noise' query.
# 16

# 17